Smalltalk's favorite Boolean method


For a long time I have been programming Smalltalk.
Recently, Ruby "got me" and I was wondering how the
famous ifTrue:ifFalse: could be added to the System.

1 = 2
   [Transcript show: "true!" ]
   [Transcript show: "false!"]

So at least the following works but I was hoping that it would have the
same elegance. "proc" was needed to create a real block instance.


def true.ifTrue_ifFalse(trueBlock , falseBlock)

def false.ifTrue_ifFalse(trueBlock , falseBlock)

   proc { p "true!"},
   proc { p "false!"}

   proc { p "true!"},
   proc { p "false!"}

Posted via


For a long time I have been programming Smalltalk.
Recently, Ruby "got me" and I was wondering how the
famous ifTrue:ifFalse: could be added to the System.

1 = 2
   [Transcript show: "true!" ]
   [Transcript show: "false!"]

So at least the following works but I was hoping that it would have the
same elegance. "proc" was needed to create a real block instance.

Here's an alternate syntax that does away with the need to call proc():

>> class Object
>> def true?
>> yield self if self
>> self
>> end
>> def false?
>> yield self unless self
>> self
>> end
>> end
=> nil
>> (1 == 2).true? { puts "True!" }.false? { puts "False!" }
=> false
>> (1 != 2).true? { puts "True!" }.false? { puts "False!" }
=> true

Hope that gives you some fresh ideas.

James Edward Gray II


On Apr 11, 2006, at 8:13 AM, Ernest Micklei wrote:

What about:

case (1 == 2)
  when true:
     p 'true'
  when false:
     p 'false'

If you don't like the ternary operator the above syntax is pretty clear.


Ernest Micklei wrote:



For a long time I have been programming Smalltalk.
Recently, Ruby "got me" and I was wondering how the
famous ifTrue:ifFalse: could be added to the System.

1 = 2
   [Transcript show: "true!" ]
   [Transcript show: "false!"]

So at least the following works but I was hoping that it would have the same elegance. "proc" was needed to create a real block instance.

def true.ifTrue_ifFalse(trueBlock , falseBlock)

def false.ifTrue_ifFalse(trueBlock , falseBlock)

   proc { p "true!"},
   proc { p "false!"}

   proc { p "true!"},
   proc { p "false!"}

James Edward Gray II <> writes:

class Object
  def true?
    yield self if self
  def false?
    yield self unless self

=> nil

(1 == 2).true? { puts "True!" }.false? { puts "False!" }

=> false

(1 != 2).true? { puts "True!" }.false? { puts "False!" }

=> true

Hope that gives you some fresh ideas.

*hears 1000 functional programmers whine about return values getting lost*


James Edward Gray II

Christian Neukirchen <>

Roy Sutton wrote:

What about:

case (1 == 2)
  when true:
     p 'true'
  when false:
     p 'false'

If you don't like the ternary operator the above syntax is pretty clear.

Ah Roy ... You are spoiling the fun by being practical (insert big wink

Actually the point of the exercise is to demonstrate that if/then/else
can be completely implemented in terms of polymorphic method sends
without using an if statement (or ternary operator) in that
implementation. It is kind of a theoretical point that conditional
operations can be implemented with polymorphism (just as polymorphism
can be implemented with condition primitives).

No one is advocating that this code be used in preference to Ruby's
natural if statement. We are just showing that it can be done fairly
easily. (If you want a real challenge, try implementing the same in
Java ... same rules, no if statements allowed in the implementation. I
managed it once, but I had to resort to using a Hash table for lookups).

The same can be done with looping constructs. Here's an implementation
of a "while" loop done entirely with polymorphic method calls. (Since
while is a reserved word, I'm using 'repeat' instead)

Example Usage:

   i = 0
   repeat { i < 10 }.do { puts i; i += 1 }


   alias repeat proc

   class Proc
     def do(&block)
       call.false? { return nil }

Much simplier than the if thing, mainly because you generally don't
worry about return values from the while loop. Notice the use of tail
recursion. If Ruby were properly tail recursive, that implementation
would be adequate. But since we face the possibility of statck
overflow, here's a (slower) version without the overflow problem:

   class Proc
     def do_cc(&block)
       goto = nil
       callcc { |cc| goto = cc }
       call.false? { return nil }

All in fun and games.


-- Jim Weirich

Posted via\.

I didn't say I *liked* it. I just said it got rid of the need to call proc() twice. A boring if statement is all I need. :wink:

James Edward Gray II


On Apr 11, 2006, at 10:24 AM, Christian Neukirchen wrote:

James Edward Gray II <> writes:

class Object
  def true?
    yield self if self
  def false?
    yield self unless self

=> nil

(1 == 2).true? { puts "True!" }.false? { puts "False!" }

=> false

(1 != 2).true? { puts "True!" }.false? { puts "False!" }

=> true

Hope that gives you some fresh ideas.

*hears 1000 functional programmers whine about return values getting lost*

Christian Neukirchen wrote:

*hears 1000 functional programmers whine about return values getting

Just so all those functional programmers don't lose their return values:


class Object
  def true?
  def false?

class FalseClass
  def true?
  def false?

class NilClass
  def true?
  def false?

class BooleanValue
  attr_reader :value
  def initialize(val)
    @value = val
  def true?
  def false?

class TrueValue < BooleanValue
  def true?

class FalseValue < BooleanValue
  def false?

require 'test/unit'
class TestTrueFalse < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_false_results
    assert_equal nil, false.true? { no }.value
    assert_equal yes, false.true? { no }.false? { yes }.value
    assert_equal yes, false.false? { yes }.value
    assert_equal yes, false.false? { yes }.true? { no }.value

  def test_nil_results
    assert_equal nil, nil.true? { no }.value
    assert_equal yes, nil.true? { no }.false? { yes }.value
    assert_equal yes, nil.false? { yes }.value
    assert_equal yes, nil.false? { yes }.true? { no }.value

  def test_true_results
    assert_equal yes, true.true? { yes }.value
    assert_equal yes, true.true? { yes }.false? { no }.value
    assert_equal nil, true.false? { no }.value
    assert_equal yes, true.false? { no }.true? { yes }.value

  def test_object_results
    assert_equal yes, "hi".true? { yes }.value
    assert_equal yes, "hi".true? { yes }.false? { no }.value
    assert_equal nil, "hi".false? { no }.value
    assert_equal yes, "hi".false? { no }.true? { yes }.value

  def test_true_true_chains
    check_chain(true, :true?)
    check_chain("hi", :true?)
    assert_equal nil, nil.true? { no }.true? { no }.value
    assert_equal nil, false.true? { no }.true? { no }.value

  def test_false_false_chains
    assert_equal nil, "hi".false? { no }.false? { no }.value
    assert_equal nil, true.false? { no }.false? { no }.value
    check_chain(nil, :false?)
    check_chain(false, :false?)

  def check_chain(value, method)
    i = 0
    assert_equal 3,
      send(method) { i += 1 }.
      send(method) { i += 2 }.value
    assert_equal 3, i

  def yes

  def no
    fail "Should never execute this"

-- Jim Weirich

Posted via\.

[Massive amount of code snipped]

Me thinks Jim Weirich is ether really smart or just has too much free time.

Jim Freeze


On Apr 11, 2006, at 2:25 PM, Jim Weirich wrote:

Christian Neukirchen wrote:

*hears 1000 functional programmers whine about return values getting

Just so all those functional programmers don't lose their return values: