$ time ruby -e'a=(1..200000).to_a; a.classx'
-e:1: undefined method `classx' for #<Array:0x4027c18c> (NoMethodError)
real 0m3.768s
user 0m1.640s
sys 0m0.010s
$ time ruby -e'a=(1..200000).to_a; b=nil; b.classx'
-e:1: undefined method `classx' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
real 0m0.288s
user 0m0.140s
sys 0m0.010s
$ time ruby -e'a=(1..400000).to_a; a.classx'
-e:1: undefined method `classx' for #<Array:0x4027c18c> (NoMethodError)
real 0m9.448s
user 0m3.980s
sys 0m0.050s
$ time ruby -e'a=(1..400000).to_a; b=[]; b.classx'
-e:1: undefined method `classx' for []:Array (NoMethodError)
real 0m0.550s
user 0m0.260s
sys 0m0.020s
$ time ruby -e'a=(1..1000000).to_a; a.classx'
-e:1: undefined method `classx' for #<Array:0x4027c18c> (NoMethodError)
real 0m36.652s
user 0m16.040s
sys 0m0.090s
$ time ruby -e'a=(1..1000000).to_a; b=1; b.classx'
-e:1: undefined method `classx' for 1:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
real 0m1.593s
user 0m0.690s
sys 0m0.010s
Why does it take longer and longer for Ruby to throw NoMethodError for large arrays? What is going on here? This happens with hash too.