Simple way to encapsulate class << self ; attr_accessor :xyz ; end?

I'm writing some code which works in the context of a very popular Web
framework and yet bumps against limitations in that framework several
times a day. One thing I have to do **constantly** is this:

def foo
  class << bar
    attr_accessor :baz

or sometimes even

def foo
  instance_eval do
    class << self
      attr_accessor :bar

This pattern gets ugly fast. It would be so much easier if I could just do


and get the same functionality as

class << foo
  attr_accessor :bar

so I tried to graft this onto the base object:

class BaseObject
  def add_methods(methods)
    class << self
      attr_accessor methods

But that blew up on me. There's two flaws in that. The first is that
methods is already a method name, so using it as a variable name was a
pretty dumb idea. The second is that the arg to the method isn't
visible once you're inside that class << self block.

It doesn't seem as if there's any way to do it without using #eval,
and frankly, using #eval is so last month. Who uses #eval any more?
That's like Fred Flintstone style.

Nonetheless, here's how you can do it with eval:

class Base
  def add_xsor(xsor)
    eval("class << self ; attr_accessor :#{xsor} ; end")

class Boat < Base ; end
boat =
boat.need = "bigger"

The big flaw here, of course, is that it only works on instances, but
in practical terms I always seem to use it in an instance context.

I'm going to have to use this code for the time being but I'm
definitely on the lookout for a better way to do it. It's clean, but
not totally satisfying.


Giles Bowkett


Alle venerdì 7 settembre 2007, Giles Bowkett ha scritto:

I'm writing some code which works in the context of a very popular Web
framework and yet bumps against limitations in that framework several
times a day. One thing I have to do **constantly** is this:

def foo
  class << bar
    attr_accessor :baz

or sometimes even

def foo
  instance_eval do
    class << self
      attr_accessor :bar

This pattern gets ugly fast. It would be so much easier if I could just do


and get the same functionality as

class << foo
  attr_accessor :bar

so I tried to graft this onto the base object:

class BaseObject
  def add_methods(methods)
    class << self
      attr_accessor methods

But that blew up on me. There's two flaws in that. The first is that
methods is already a method name, so using it as a variable name was a
pretty dumb idea. The second is that the arg to the method isn't
visible once you're inside that class << self block.

It doesn't seem as if there's any way to do it without using #eval,
and frankly, using #eval is so last month. Who uses #eval any more?
That's like Fred Flintstone style.

Nonetheless, here's how you can do it with eval:

class Base
  def add_xsor(xsor)
    eval("class << self ; attr_accessor :#{xsor} ; end")

class Boat < Base ; end
boat =
boat.need = "bigger"

The big flaw here, of course, is that it only works on instances, but
in practical terms I always seem to use it in an instance context.

I'm going to have to use this code for the time being but I'm
definitely on the lookout for a better way to do it. It's clean, but
not totally satisfying.

I'm not sure I understand correctly your problem. You could do this:

class Base
  def add_xsor(*names)
    (class << self;self;end).class_eval{attr_reader *names)}

This solves the problem of names not being visible in the body of the
singleton class by using the fact that the return value of a class construct
is the return value of the last expression (self, in this case). This allows
to use the singleton class object in the context of def add_xsor, where names
is visible.

I hope this helps


I'm writing some code which works in the context of a very popular Web
framework and yet bumps against limitations in that framework several
times a day.

This might be an indication that you are using the framework wrongly -
or that it's the wrong framework for your task.

One thing I have to do **constantly** is this:

def foo
  class << bar
    attr_accessor :baz

or sometimes even

def foo
  instance_eval do
    class << self
      attr_accessor :bar

This pattern gets ugly fast. It would be so much easier if I could just do


and get the same functionality as

class << foo
  attr_accessor :bar

so I tried to graft this onto the base object:

class BaseObject
  def add_methods(methods)
    class << self
      attr_accessor methods

But that blew up on me. There's two flaws in that. The first is that
methods is already a method name, so using it as a variable name was a
pretty dumb idea. The second is that the arg to the method isn't
visible once you're inside that class << self block.

It doesn't seem as if there's any way to do it without using #eval,

There is:

irb(main):001:0> class Object
irb(main):002:1> def add_accessors(*names)
irb(main):003:2> class<<self;self;end.class_eval { attr_accessor *names }
irb(main):004:2> end
irb(main):005:1> end
=> nil
=> #<Object:0x7ff8602c>
irb(main):007:0> x.add_accessors :foo, :bar
=> nil
=> 10
=> nil

But there are other solutions as well: if you know the accessors
beforehand you can do this

module MyExtension
  attr_accessor :bar
some_object.extend MyExtension

and frankly, using #eval is so last month. Who uses #eval any more?
That's like Fred Flintstone style.

Nonetheless, here's how you can do it with eval:


I'm going to have to use this code for the time being but I'm
definitely on the lookout for a better way to do it. It's clean, but
not totally satisfying.

See above. And probably rethink your framework usage.

Kind regards



2007/9/7, Giles Bowkett <>:

I'm writing some code which works in the context of a very popular Web
framework and yet bumps against limitations in that framework several
times a day. One thing I have to do **constantly** is this:

def foo
  class << bar
    attr_accessor :baz

or sometimes even

def foo
  instance_eval do
    class << self
      attr_accessor :bar

This pattern gets ugly fast. It would be so much easier if I could just do


and get the same functionality as

class << foo
  attr_accessor :bar

so I tried to graft this onto the base object:

class BaseObject
  def add_methods(methods)
    class << self
      attr_accessor methods

But that blew up on me. There's two flaws in that. The first is that
methods is already a method name, so using it as a variable name was a
pretty dumb idea. The second is that the arg to the method isn't
visible once you're inside that class << self block.

It doesn't seem as if there's any way to do it without using #eval,
and frankly, using #eval is so last month. Who uses #eval any more?
That's like Fred Flintstone style.

Nonetheless, here's how you can do it with eval:

class Base
  def add_xsor(xsor)
    eval("class << self ; attr_accessor :#{xsor} ; end")

class Boat < Base ; end
boat =
boat.need = "bigger"

The big flaw here, of course, is that it only works on instances, but
in practical terms I always seem to use it in an instance context.

I'm going to have to use this code for the time being but I'm
definitely on the lookout for a better way to do it. It's clean, but
not totally satisfying.

Giles Bowkett



I had a bit of trouble following along cause it's late but I hope I
got it right.

You said that

class << self
  attr_accessor :whatever

doesn't work. That's because you created a new class scope. The
simple solution is to use the (class << self; self; end) idiom with
class_eval or send. I prefer send but whatever.

Anyway here's some mojo:

class Object
  def add_methods(*methheads)
    methheads.each do |m|
      (class << self; self; end).send(:attr_accessor, m)

class Dog
  def initialize(name, age)
    @name, @age = name, age

irb(main):014:0> d = "Cobi", 2
=> #<Dog:0x5cae4 @name="Cobi", @age=2>
NoMethodError: undefined method `name' for #<Dog:0x5cae4 @name="Cobi", @age=2>
        from (irb):15
irb(main):016:0> d.add_methods :name, :age
=> [:name, :age]
=> "Cobi"
irb(main):018:0> d.age
=> 2

I hope I understood what you were going for. Even if not that should
get you started.

If you want to add an attr_accessor to all instances, just use send on
the class:
Dog.send :attr_accessor, :name



On 9/7/07, Giles Bowkett <> wrote:
        from :0

module Kernel
    def meta
      class << self; self; end

  class Module
    public :attr_accessor, :attr_reader, :attr_writer


  def foo
    meta.attr_accessor :x



On Sep 7, 2:24 am, "Giles Bowkett" <> wrote:

I'm writing some code which works in the context of a very popular Web
framework and yet bumps against limitations in that framework several
times a day. One thing I have to do **constantly** is this:

def foo
  class << bar
    attr_accessor :baz

or sometimes even

def foo
  instance_eval do
    class << self
      attr_accessor :bar

This pattern gets ugly fast. It would be so much easier if I could just do


and get the same functionality as

class << foo
  attr_accessor :bar

so I tried to graft this onto the base object:

class BaseObject
  def add_methods(methods)
    class << self
      attr_accessor methods

But that blew up on me. There's two flaws in that. The first is that
methods is already a method name, so using it as a variable name was a
pretty dumb idea. The second is that the arg to the method isn't
visible once you're inside that class << self block.

It doesn't seem as if there's any way to do it without using #eval,
and frankly, using #eval is so last month. Who uses #eval any more?
That's like Fred Flintstone style.

Nonetheless, here's how you can do it with eval:

class Base
  def add_xsor(xsor)
    eval("class << self ; attr_accessor :#{xsor} ; end")

class Boat < Base ; end
boat =
boat.need = "bigger"

The big flaw here, of course, is that it only works on instances, but
in practical terms I always seem to use it in an instance context.

I'm going to have to use this code for the time being but I'm
definitely on the lookout for a better way to do it. It's clean, but
not totally satisfying.


While you're at it, how about overloading >> to alias << in the context
class OPERATOR object, as the arrows are obviously pointing the wrong
way as
it stands :). (See my "dyslexic" posting on this forum - i.e. do a
search on "dyslexic" and read my final posting for that thread.



Posted via

  module Kernel
    def meta
      class << self; self; end

  class Module
    public :attr_accessor, :attr_reader, :attr_writer


  def foo
    meta.attr_accessor :x

Out of several excellent alternatives to my code I think this is the
most compelling.


Giles Bowkett



While you're at it, how about overloading >> to alias << in the context
class OPERATOR object, as the arrows are obviously pointing the wrong
way as
it stands :). (See my "dyslexic" posting on this forum - i.e. do a
search on "dyslexic" and read my final posting for that thread.

Arrows? What arrows? Those are bitshift operators.
Bitshift operators? What bitshift operators? Those are pairs of less
than and greater than symbols.


On 9/8/07, Ben Tompkins <> wrote:


Posted via\.

i always define this in lib/rubyext.rb

def singleton_class &b
   sc =
     class << self
   b ? module_eval(&b) : sc


singleton_class.attr_accessor 'foo'

or, better

singleton_class do
   attr 'a'
   attr 'b'

it's a sin to define a method that has a compelling use for a block to silently ignore said block.

another thing i use often is attributes, this lets you do this

singleton_class do
   attribute 'foo'

which gives = 42 #=> @foo = 42
   foo 42 #=> @foo = 42
   foo #=> 42
   foo? #=> true

it's attr_accessor in steriods and a very very short lib. (gem install attributes)

kind regards.

a @


On Sep 7, 2007, at 7:52 PM, Giles Bowkett wrote:

Out of several excellent alternatives to my code I think this is the
most compelling.

we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

The point is that in this particular case, syntax doesn't just fail to
reflect but contradicts the semantics of the operation (i.e. "what it
does"), perhaps in favor of an implementation perspective ("how it


Logan Capaldo wrote:


On 9/8/07, Ben Tompkins <> wrote:


While you're at it, how about overloading >> to alias << in the context
class OPERATOR object, as the arrows are obviously pointing the wrong
way as
it stands :). (See my "dyslexic" posting on this forum - i.e. do a
search on "dyslexic" and read my final posting for that thread.

Arrows? What arrows? Those are bitshift operators.
Bitshift operators? What bitshift operators? Those are pairs of less
than and greater than symbols.

Posted via\.