Simple Script Help (New to Ruby)

Hello Ruby Masters!

I'm attempting to write a very simple guessing game script in an effort to expand my knowledge about the Ruby Language. I'm running ruby on my OpenSuse Linux 10 box at home. I'm typically a web-programmer, but I want to get into something a little more deep.

Here is my little script:


# set the default result
theResult = 0

# create the random number
theNumber = rand(10)

while theResult != 3
        print "Guess my number: "
        theGuess = gets.to_i

        # return key
        # 1 = number is lower
        # 2 = number is higher
        # 3 = number matched!
        if theNumber < theGuess
                theResult = 1
        elseif theNumber > theGuess
                theResult = 2
        elseif theNumber = theGuess
                theResult = 3

        case theResult
                when 1
                        puts "My number is lower."
                when 2
                        puts "My number is higher."
                when 3
                        puts "You guessed my number!"

        print "The Result: "
        print theResult
        print "\n"

        print "The Guess: "
        print theGuess.class
        print "+"
        print theGuess
        print "\n"

        print "The Number: "
        print theNumber
        print "\n"

and here's my output when I run it:

utdream@dream:~/ruby_scripts> ruby guess_number.rb
Guess my number: 1
The Result: 0
The Guess: Fixnum+1
The Number: 3

The result staying at 0 tells me that NONE of my comparisons worked. Can anyone tell me why? I'm sure this is something simple but any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies

Jordan Michaels wrote:

# set the default result
theResult = 0

# create the random number
theNumber = rand(10)

while theResult != 3
       print "Guess my number: "
       theGuess = gets.to_i

       # return key
       # 1 = number is lower
       # 2 = number is higher
       # 3 = number matched!
       if theNumber < theGuess
               theResult = 1
       elseif theNumber > theGuess
               theResult = 2
       elseif theNumber = theGuess
               theResult = 3

       case theResult
               when 1
                       puts "My number is lower."
               when 2
                       puts "My number is higher."
               when 3
                       puts "You guessed my number!"

       print "The Result: "
       print theResult
       print "\n"

       print "The Guess: "
       print theGuess.class
       print "+"
       print theGuess
       print "\n"

       print "The Number: "
       print theNumber
       print "\n"

(there is no elseif kayword but elsif)

It seems to be working for me. You could replace the if/elsif statements with case statement

  when theNumber < theGuess
    # blah
  when theNumber > theGuess
    # blah
    # blah


        elseif theNumber = theGuess

I guess you mean == here, not =.

Best, Ulrich

Jordan Michaels <> writes:

       elseif theNumber > theGuess
               theResult = 2
       elseif theNumber = theGuess

elseif is not Ruby... try elsif instead.

furthermore, equality is "==", not "=". Here, you assigns theGuess to
theNumber. This assignment return the value of theGuess, hence always

and here's my output when I run it:

Strange. If i try to run your script, i get a :

bla.rb:17: undefined method `elseif' for main:Object (NoMethodError)

That's not the case for you ?


Eric Jacoboni, ne il y a 1444957142 secondes

Hello Ruby Masters!

I'm attempting to write a very simple guessing game script in an effort
to expand my knowledge about the Ruby Language. I'm running ruby on my
OpenSuse Linux 10 box at home. I'm typically a web-programmer, but I
want to get into something a little more deep.

Here is my little script:

# set the default result
theResult = 0

# create the random number
theNumber = rand(10)

while theResult != 3
        print "Guess my number: "
        theGuess = gets.to_i

        # return key
        # 1 = number is lower
        # 2 = number is higher
        # 3 = number matched!
        if theNumber < theGuess
                theResult = 1
        elseif theNumber > theGuess
                theResult = 2
        elseif theNumber = theGuess
                theResult = 3

        case theResult
                when 1
                        puts "My number is lower."
                when 2
                        puts "My number is higher."
                when 3
                        puts "You guessed my number!"

This is a good place to use symbols -- if nothing else, you won't need
the comments explaining the keys:

         if theNumber < theGuess
                 theResult = :lower
         elsif theNumber > theGuess
                 theResult = :higher
         elsif theNumber = theGuess
                 theResult = :equal

         case theResult
                 when :lower
                         puts "My number is lower."
                 when :higher
                         puts "My number is higher."
                 when :equal
                         puts "You guessed my number!"


On 3/4/06, Jordan Michaels <> wrote:

        print "The Result: "
        print theResult
        print "\n"

        print "The Guess: "
        print theGuess.class
        print "+"
        print theGuess
        print "\n"

        print "The Number: "
        print theNumber
        print "\n"

and here's my output when I run it:

utdream@dream:~/ruby_scripts> ruby guess_number.rb
Guess my number: 1
The Result: 0
The Guess: Fixnum+1
The Number: 3

The result staying at 0 tells me that NONE of my comparisons worked. Can
anyone tell me why? I'm sure this is something simple but any help would
be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies

Bill Guindon (aka aGorilla)
The best answer to most questions is "it depends".

oops it seems I missed this (theNumber = theGuess)


Eric Jacoboni wrote:

Jordan Michaels <> writes:

      elseif theNumber > theGuess
              theResult = 2
      elseif theNumber = theGuess
elseif is not Ruby... try elsif instead.

furthermore, equality is "==", not "=". Here, you assigns theGuess to
theNumber. This assignment return the value of theGuess, hence always

and here's my output when I run it:
Strange. If i try to run your script, i get a :

bla.rb:17: undefined method `elseif' for main:Object (NoMethodError)

That's not the case for you ?

No, it was not the case, but that might have been helpful!

> ruby --version
ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i586-linux]

I'm downloading 1.8.4 as I write this. We'll see if that doesn't give me better error messages.

Thanks to all for your support and suggestions! Changing the "elseif" to "elsif" did the trick. The script now works as intended. I agree with a lot of your suggestions about equality (==), and using case instead of if. When programming for clients I make a point to use the most efficient and correct code as possible, but I'm just playing with this at the moment. :wink:

Thanks again. It's nice to have a friendly place to turn to when you have questions!

Warm regards,
Jordan Michaels
Vivio Technologies

You could avoid the symbols if you are prepared to understand the <=> comparison, a short example might be

the_number = rand(10)

loop do
   print "Guess my number: "
   the_guess = gets or break # hit eof

   case the_number <=> the_guess.to_i
     when -1
       puts "My number is lower"
     when 1
       puts "My number is higher"
       puts "You guessed my number"

It may be interesting to see how you can trap "bad" input and generate a useful error message using what comes with Ruby



On 4-Mar-06, at 8:00 PM, Bill Guindon wrote:

On 3/4/06, Jordan Michaels <> wrote:

Hello Ruby Masters!

I'm attempting to write a very simple guessing game script in an effort
to expand my knowledge about the Ruby Language. I'm running ruby on my
OpenSuse Linux 10 box at home. I'm typically a web-programmer, but I
want to get into something a little more deep.

Here is my little script:

# set the default result
theResult = 0

# create the random number
theNumber = rand(10)

while theResult != 3
        print "Guess my number: "
        theGuess = gets.to_i

        # return key
        # 1 = number is lower
        # 2 = number is higher
        # 3 = number matched!
        if theNumber < theGuess
                theResult = 1
        elseif theNumber > theGuess
                theResult = 2
        elseif theNumber = theGuess
                theResult = 3

        case theResult
                when 1
                        puts "My number is lower."
                when 2
                        puts "My number is higher."
                when 3
                        puts "You guessed my number!"

This is a good place to use symbols -- if nothing else, you won't need
the comments explaining the keys:

         if theNumber < theGuess
                 theResult = :lower
         elsif theNumber > theGuess
                 theResult = :higher
         elsif theNumber = theGuess
                 theResult = :equal

         case theResult
                 when :lower
                         puts "My number is lower."
                 when :higher
                         puts "My number is higher."
                 when :equal
                         puts "You guessed my number!"

        print "The Result: "
        print theResult
        print "\n"

        print "The Guess: "
        print theGuess.class
        print "+"
        print theGuess
        print "\n"

        print "The Number: "
        print theNumber
        print "\n"

and here's my output when I run it:

utdream@dream:~/ruby_scripts> ruby guess_number.rb
Guess my number: 1
The Result: 0
The Guess: Fixnum+1
The Number: 3

The result staying at 0 tells me that NONE of my comparisons worked. Can
anyone tell me why? I'm sure this is something simple but any help would
be appreciated.


Mike Stok <>

The "`Stok' disclaimers" apply.