Simple one


As i wanted to make some kind of test.I have one simple question

in example below, if user puts enter , he will recive info "make a
How to make if user push enter twice he will recive second info "make a
choice" and still there will be availabilty to choose between q and y


  if $choice == '' || $choice == nil
                puts "\nmake a choice\n"

        else if $choice == 'q'
                print "\nGoodbye\n"

        else if $choice == 'y'

put "blablabla" end

see output that i wish to recive

make a choice [enter]
make a choice [enter]
make a choice [q]

please help
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make a choice [enter]
make a choice [enter]
make a choice [q]

please help

the highline library might be of use to you


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I've written a simple program which I believe meets your requirements.
I've changed the text a bit, but I hope the code is helpful.


class Choice
  def initialize
    @choices = ['y', 'N']
    @instructions = 'make a choice '+ @choices.join('/')
    @response = 'you have choosen %s'+"\n"+'Goodbye'
  def ask()
    puts @instructions
    @input = gets.chomp
  def respond()
    if @choices.include?(@input)
      puts @response % @input

c =


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i used both methods and they works (thanks for that), but i have ine
more question (both methods are affected)

see my code (example)



    def ask(prompt)
        loop do
            print prompt, ' '
            s = gets
            exit if s == nil
            if s == 'y' or s == 'yes'
                return true
            elsif s == 'n' or s == 'no'
                return false
                $stderr.puts "Please answer yes or no."

ask(' => ')

i Saved it as a file.rb, as there is a small part of my bigger scirpt ,
i wanted to add argument, so i'am running it with argument(which is used
later in my script):

./file.rb file.xml

and i recive
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.

I know that I should clear input or something like that, but i dont know
how , I' ve tried many ways.

Please help


Simeon Willbanks wrote:

I've written a simple program which I believe meets your requirements.
I've changed the text a bit, but I hope the code is helpful.


class Choice
  def initialize
    @choices = ['y', 'N']
    @instructions = 'make a choice '+ @choices.join('/')
    @response = 'you have choosen %s'+"\n"+'Goodbye'
  def ask()
    puts @instructions
    @input = gets.chomp
  def respond()
    if @choices.include?(@input)
      puts @response % @input

c =

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./file.rb file.xml

and i recive
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.

That repeats forever?

Perhaps gets is reading from file.xml? (I don't know why but maybe it


Posted via\.


i used both methods and they works (thanks for that), but i have ine
more question (both methods are affected)


    def ask(prompt)
        loop do
            print prompt, ' '
            s = gets
            exit if s == nil
            if s == 'y' or s == 'yes'
                return true
            elsif s == 'n' or s == 'no'
                return false
                $stderr.puts "Please answer yes or no."

ask(' => ')

i Saved it as a file.rb, as there is a small part of my bigger scirpt ,
i wanted to add argument, so i'am running it with argument(which is used
later in my script):

./file.rb file.xml

and i recive
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.
=> Please answer yes or no.

I know that I should clear input or something like that, but i dont know
how , I' ve tried many ways.

There must be a loop around the `ask' method.

By the way, why don't you use `case'?

  def ask prompt
    loop do
      print prompt, ' '
      s = gets or break
      case s
        when /^y/i, "ja", "oui" then break true
        when /^n/i then break false
        else $stderr.puts "Please answer yes or no."

  ask ' =>'



Am Sonntag, 20. Dez 2009, 03:20:33 +0900 schrieb beny 18241:

Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany
Discover String#notempty? at <;\.