
Hey all,

I turned setup.rb into a Rake task called SetupTask. You can check it
out here:

While I was at it I cleaned up some parts of the code.

* I got rid of multi-packaging (b/c it's easy to create a drill-down
task if you really need one).
* I removed setup.rb's testing task (since we can use rake's, of
* I redid the options assignment so it uses a more traditional
attributes approach, and pulls from ENV.

I decided to do this because I needed the functionality but thought it
was silly to be lugging around two scripts all the time (Rakefile and
setup.rb). I also decided it was better to reuse working code then do
a complete rewrite from scratch. The plan is instead to gradually
"rakify" it over time (after learning exactly how setup.rb works, I
note there is plenty of room for rakification).

One major thing I am considering is removing the current hook system.
I imagine that a better hook system could be put in place they
utilizes rake's tasks --but I haven't worked out exactly how that
could would work yet.

If any one has any ideas, suggestions and of course bug fixes, please
drop me a line.
