Setting systems date and time - Windows

Hi Guys,

I am trying to write a script that updates the computers time to our
servers time. On Ubuntu box it works like a charm but cant get it to
work on a Windows box. Here is the code:

def self.get_time
      response = get("xxxxxxxx", :basic_auth => { :username => "xxxxx",
:password => "xxxxxx"})
      if response.code == 200
    puts response.body
    puts "Couldnt get server time"

      puts "Couldn't get Time"


  def self.sync
      time = self.get_time
      system("date -s +%m-%d-%Y +%T -s \"#{time}\"")

      puts "Set Error"



2011-11-03 11:35:47
The system cannot accept the date entered.
Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy)

Are there alternative methods for setting the systems date and time?



Posted via

Using NTP is not an option?



On Nov 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Saul Glass wrote:

Hi Guys,

I am trying to write a script that updates the computers time to our
servers time. On Ubuntu box it works like a charm but cant get it to
work on a Windows box. Here is the code:


2011-11-03 11:35:47
The system cannot accept the date entered.
Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy)

On Windows (client as well as Server), by default only members of the
System Service and Administrator groups can change system-wide
settings like the time and date.

You can change this via Group Policy, including for workstations not
connected to an Active Directory server.

If, in your case, the PCs *are* connected to an AD server, leave
system time changes to the AD server, otherwise you'll get to know the
Kerberos protocol more intimately than any sane person should. :wink:

The question is, why don't you let Windows' and *NIX NTP
services/daemons deal with adjusting time and date (you can set up
your own NTP server, if your machines are disconnected from the


On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Saul Glass <> wrote:


2011-11-03 11:35:47
The system cannot accept the date entered.
Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy)

Are there alternative methods for setting the systems date and time?

Phillip Gawlowski |

A method of solution is perfect if we can forsee from the start,
and even prove, that following that method we shall attain our aim.
-- Leibniz

On Winows, you'd have to use two commands - `date` and `time`. Also,
it appears that their format is system-dependent - according to what
you've written, for you it's mm-dd-yy (for date), and on my box it's
yy-mm-dd (the language is set to Polish).

-- Matma Rex