I'm just getting my feet wet with Ruby and would like some advice on how you
"old-timers" would write the following script using Ruby idioms.
The intent of the script is to parse a CSV file that contains 2 fields per
row, sorted on the second field. There may be multiple rows for field 2. I
want to get a list of all of the unique values of field2 that has more than
1 value for the 1st 6 characters of field 1.
Here's what I did:
require 'csv'
last_account_id = ''
last_adv_id = ''
parent_co_ids = []
cntr = 0
first = true
CSV::Reader.parse(File.open('e:\\tmp\\20060201\\bsa.csv', 'r')) do |row|
if row[1] == last_account_id
parent_co_ids << last_adv_id[0, 6] unless
parent_co_ids.include?(last_adv_id[0, 6])
if !first
parent_co_ids << last_adv_id[0, 6] unless
parent_co_ids.include?(last_adv_id[0, 6])
if parent_co_ids.size > 1
puts "#{last_account_id} - (#{parent_co_ids.join(',')})"
cntr = cntr + 1
first = false
last_account_id = row[1]
last_adv_id = row[0]
puts "Found #{cntr} accounts with multiple parent companies"
Thanks in advance!
Todd Breiholz