I'm still pining for PDF output from RedCloth and
am seeking advice:
David Black has an experimental to_docbook in RedCloth CVS
Instiki has to_latex in it's RedCloth
I like the idea of going directly to LaTeX so that I
can embed (La)TeX mathematics somehow.
Is there another route I should be investigating to get
both HTML and PDF output from my Textile markup?
Does the Textile have information that is not in the resulting (X)HTML?
Why not do an (X)HTML -> PDF converter, and then any app that creates proper (X)HTML can use it?
Also, there are pretty well-used toolchains for the LaTeX -> PDF route,
so it's likely you can just drop something in. The con side is that
distributing it crossplatformly gets problematic - the average windows
box has neither TeX nor ps2pdf. (I'm experiencing a similar problem with
an ascii | lout | gs > pdf program of mine - the end users are very
nontechnical, and I have to come up with a good way of distributing it.)
Bil Kleb <Bil.Kleb@nasa.gov> wrote:
I'm still pining for PDF output from RedCloth and
am seeking advice:
Instiki has to_latex in it's RedCloth
I like the idea of going directly to LaTeX so that I
can embed (La)TeX mathematics somehow.