Searching Google vith SOAP4R


Does anybody use SOAP4R to access Google search service?

I do not want to dive too deep into SOAP peculiarities. So I just tried to
make Pickaxe examples to work. I am getting:
: No Deserializer found to deserialize a ':restrict' using encoding style
''. (SOAP::FaultError)

I installed the newest SOAP4R version but Google samples included in the
distribution crashed on various errors too.

Any ideas?


Dalibor Sramek


Dalibor Sramek \ In the eyes of cats
/ \ all things
/ >H blog \ belong to cats.

batsman@tux-chan:/tmp$ cat ggl.rb
require 'soap/wsdlDriver'

g =''\).create_rpc_driver
g.generate_explicit_type = true

google_key =["HOME"], ".google_key"))

r = g.doGoogleSearch(google_key, "ruby", 0, 5, false, "", false, "", "", "" )

puts "About #{r.estimatedTotalResultsCount} results"
r.resultElements.each do |e|
  puts "#{e.title}: #{e['URL']}"
  puts "#{e.snippet}"
batsman@tux-chan:/tmp$ RUBYOPT= ruby ggl.rb
About 2570000 results

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On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 09:52:32PM +0900, Dalibor Sramek wrote:

Does anybody use SOAP4R to access Google search service?

I do not want to dive too deep into SOAP peculiarities. So I just tried to
make Pickaxe examples to work. I am getting:
: No Deserializer found to deserialize a ':restrict' using encoding style
'Error. (SOAP::FaultError)

I installed the newest SOAP4R version but Google samples included in the
distribution crashed on various errors too.

Mauricio Fernandez

Thanks. Your code works although only with the version 1.5.4. The 1.5.3
packaged to Ruby 1.8.2 fails.

Dalibor Sramek


On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 01:08:00AM +0900, Mauricio Fernández wrote:

batsman@tux-chan:/tmp$ cat ggl.rb

Dalibor Sramek \ In the eyes of cats
/ \ all things
/ >H blog \ belong to cats.