Screen scraping via regex vs. htmltools (vs. REXML)

I've finally reimplemented the screen scraper I mentioned on
using regexes and no external libraries. It is, as Daz suggested, many
times faster than REXML. My question is whether it would be smarter
(faster?, easier to code?) to use htmltools or HTMLTree::Parser

Any other comments on ways to make the code faster, cleaner, and more
Ruby-like? Finally, can you please tell me why I can't get strip to
work, if I switch the commenting for lines 15 and 16? (It doesn't
remove the leading space in the second element of the last 6 lines.)
By contrast, the gsub on line 15 does what I want.

Thanks very much in advance for any advice you can offer on which tools
to use.

# The program parses out all of the rows and then looks
# for the right kinds of cells inside. It constructs
# 2 two-dimensional arrays of the results.

require 'mechanize'
agent ={|a| a.log = }
page = agent.get('').body

def table_clean (table)
table.each { |row|
  row.each { |e|
    e.gsub!(/\s+/," ")
    #~ e.strip

miletable = []
summarytable = []
row = /<tr>(.*?)<\/tr>/m
milecells = /
summarycells = /
activitycells = /
page.scan(row) { |e|
  rowtext = e.to_s
  rowtext.scan(milecells) {
    miletable << [$1,$2,$3,$4,$5]
  rowtext.scan(summarycells) {
    summarytable << [$1,$2]
  rowtext.scan(activitycells) {
    summarytable << [$1,$3]
miletable.each {|e| print e.join(":"),"\n"}
summarytable.each {|e| print e.join(":"),"\n"}

          - dan


Dan Kohn <>
<> <tel:+1-415-233-1000>

Dan Kohn wrote:

I've finally reimplemented the screen scraper I mentioned on
using regexes and no external libraries. It is, as Daz suggested, many
times faster than REXML. My question is whether it would be smarter
(faster?, easier to code?) to use htmltools or HTMLTree::Parser

The code in your post seems to use Mechanize.
If you are using agent.get to fetch the HTML then you've already parsed the html using htmltools & REXML. You can register callback objects that are invoked when the parsing process encounters matching nodes. Mechanize does this automatically for certain nodes (form stuff, I think), but you can use watch_for_set= {} to define a set of nodes to watch for.

This is what I use to construct the product pages for from the multiple CafePress pages that contain the images, prices, and product description. I tell Mechanize to watch for img, tr, and td elements, and it constructs sets of custom objects of just the parts of the source HTML matching certain criteria. Then I extract the data, create RSS feeds, and turn those into a set of aggregated HTML pages.

What I like about this is that the parse process gives me business objects, with (hopefully) self-explanatory behavior. For example, I can ask one of these objects for 'product_id' or 'description'; the object encapsulates the assorted XPath/regex code needed to get that from the source HTML node, making the main part of the app easier to maintain.

James Britt


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Thanks for the response, James. My next question was actually about
debugging Mechanize
Would you mind emailing me your scraping code, as I've been suffering
from a lack of examples to copy?

Also, are you sure Mechanize parses the whole page with get? It
doesn't wait for a find?

          - dan


Dan Kohn <>
<> <tel:+1-415-233-1000>

"James Britt" <> wrote in message

This is what I use to construct the product pages for from

Any chance you could make that code available? Sounds like a useful example.

Is Mechanize also a good option for writing acceptance tests, compared to


Dan Kohn wrote:

Thanks for the response, James. My next question was actually about
debugging Mechanize
Would you mind emailing me your scraping code, as I've been suffering
from a lack of examples to copy?

Also, are you sure Mechanize parses the whole page with get? It
doesn't wait for a find?

Don't think so, but I might be wrong. My code calls agent get, then goes right into looping over the collected nodes.

I'll see about putting my code together as an example.

As for debugging Mechanize, I've found it helpful to go to the lib source and stick in some STDERR.puts calls to inspect request and response data to be sure things are getting passed around as expected.

After that, unit tests are helpful.



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itsme213 wrote:

"James Britt" <> wrote in message

This is what I use to construct the product pages for from

Any chance you could make that code available? Sounds like a useful example.

Is Mechanize also a good option for writing acceptance tests, compared to Watir?

WATIR exposes the HTML DOM as seen by IE, which is not the raw HTML source returned from the server (but perhaps someone more up on the latest WATIR knows otherwise). Mechanize will get you the source HTML, albeit sanitized for REXML parsing.

I find WATIR most useful for walking though a series of pages where automated typing and clicking is essential. Pretty much every Web app I've written in the last 9 months uses WATIR (plus my own custom DSL on top of it) for functional testing. Major time saver.

I use Mechanize for data snarfing and occasional feed building.

James Britt


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