def initalialize(&block)<br>
<br> do<br>
puts("CONST = #{CONST}")<br>
# this will print<br>
unitialized constant CONST<br>
So how do I create a "constant" ie: attribute with leading upper case
char that is resolvable within "instance_eval()" for a particular
instance of a class that defines the constant or subclass of it or class
that includes a module that defines the constant?
I tried overriding "const_missing" but as a static method on class
Object I see no way to determine the "self" that was active when the
constant was not resolved, If so I could then make it happen, by
examinig the "self" for it's class etc and look for the constants in
Kind of like i'd like to be able to get caller[0].binding.self inside
This is a bit of a strange problem. Ruby 1.8 resolves constants lexically.
So you are actually referring to ::CONST there.
In Ruby 1.9, this is different. In Ruby 1.9, Constants are resolved by ´self´.
So, in short:
class A
module B
end do
crashes in 1.8, but resolves B as A::B in 1.9. Some people hate that change
in behaviour, I like it.
It doesn't directly answer your question, but I hope it gives you enough insight to find a way to do what you want.
On Oct 10, 2009, at 12:14 AM, Peter Pk wrote:
so If I do<br>
class MyObj < Module<br>
CONST = 'xxx'<br>
def initalialize(&block)<br>
<br> do<br>
puts("CONST = #{CONST}")<br>
# this will print<br>
unitialized constant CONST<br>
So how do I create a "constant" ie: attribute with leading upper case
char that is resolvable within "instance_eval()" for a particular
instance of a class that defines the constant or subclass of it or class
that includes a module that defines the constant?
I tried overriding "const_missing" but as a static method on class
Object I see no way to determine the "self" that was active when the
constant was not resolved, If so I could then make it happen, by
examinig the "self" for it's class etc and look for the constants in
Kind of like i'd like to be able to get caller[0].binding.self inside
And what do you mean by "waiting" until Ruby 1.9? 1.9.1's been
released and stable for the better part of this year now.
That there are convenient installers/packages/etc available and
documented for the OS' and distros that our admin sets up our
development machines for It looks like one still has to compile from
source in many cases (such as Fedora). Windows was easy as someone made
an NSIS installer
BTW 1.9 does exactly what I want and that is to overide const_missing on
a specific class. The old behavior also still works if not overidden
(as the static method on Object, but the "self" will be the self of the
object that was missing the constant. IMHO way better behavior to allow
object oriented overides.
One can also on a specific class do:
alias :const_missing :__send__
which will (efficiently) if a const is missing direct it to an attribute
of the same name so you don't have to do thing = XXX() and can access it
by thing = XXX
On Oct 10, 8:48�am, Peter Pk <> wrote:
I find this particularly useful when I wish to override a constant in a
subclass, e.g.
class Foo
def run
puts "Timeout is #{self.class::TIMEOUT}"
class Bar < Foo
Note that you need this trick even in ruby 1.9.2. Without it, the
constant is still resolved statically, depending on in which class the
method was defined: