Samples of daliy use


I found Ruby very interesting and I’ll be glad if anyone could give some
urls which demonstrates the use of ruby in our daily work ( e.g. common
problems solved with ruby, administrative tasks etc.).

Thank you for any comments.


Daniel Völkerts
JKeySource Passwort Generator (

Hi Daniel,

There’s a fair amount of useful information available on the RubyGarden
wiki. There’s even a “Real world Ruby” page that lists exactly the stuff
you are talking about. At least, the stuff that I think you’re talking
about. If I’m wrong, let’s just blame it on me being tired :slight_smile:

At 06:33 PM 6/16/2003 +0900, you wrote:


I found Ruby very interesting and I’ll be glad if anyone could give some
urls which demonstrates the use of ruby in our daily work ( e.g. common
problems solved with ruby, administrative tasks etc.).

Thank you for any comments.

Daniel Völkerts
JKeySource Passwort Generator (

Brian Wisti

Just completed this now. Boss wanted to track from defect number in
the defect tracking tool to files changed. ie. Project is forking the
code, low tier model going into production, high tier model starting
development. Unfortunately at the point of forking the code base and
porting it to new platform, there were still a number of defects.

My little Ruby scripts parses ‘cvs log’ output, grabs things that look
like defect tracking numbers and chucks it in a file. Another script uses
the cgi module to present the results, complete with hot links into
web interface of the defect tracking tool and into cvsweb showing exactly
which file was changed and what the log entry was.

Clip it to my Apache server (standard with Linux), email out the URL and
instantly the whole company has access to my results. You’ve just
got to love it.

Less than a days work.

Ooo I love the develope by iteration style in Ruby.

Version 1 looks like this… “proj.log”) do |log|
log.each_line do |line|
puts line


On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Daniel [UNKNOWN] Völkerts wrote:

I found Ruby very interesting and I’ll be glad if anyone could give some
urls which demonstrates the use of ruby in our daily work ( e.g. common
problems solved with ruby, administrative tasks etc.).

Very easy, can see it work.

Then the next version… “proj.log”) do |log|
log.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^Working file: (\S+)/ then # Pick up file name with regex
puts “File #{$1}”

#Right, I’m finding the file start so lets iterate over files…

def each_file(log)
log.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^Working file: (\S+)/ then
yield $1

Now my main loop is very clean… “proj.log”) do |log|
each_file(log) do |file|
puts file

#Now each file has a bunch of revisions associated with it…

def each_revision(log)
log.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^revision (\S+)/ then
yield $1

def each_file(log)
log.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^Working file: (\S+)/ then
yield $1
each_revision(log) do |rev|
puts rev

Now my main loop is very clean… “proj.log”) do |log|
each_file(log) do |file|
puts file

Hmm. I need to package a list of revisions with the file, no problem
spin a file class.

class CVSFile
attr_reader :file_name
attr_accessor :head_revision, :revision

def initialize( name)
@file_name = name
@revision =

Hmm I need to package some info with the revision
number , no problem spin a class for that.

And so I go, alternately adding complexity, and then factoring it out into
nested iterations so each iteration is simple.

It’s just soo blooming easy to do!

John Carter Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics Fax : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch Email :
New Zealand

A Million Monkeys can inflict worse things than just Shakespeare on
your system.

Brian Wisti wrote:

Hi Daniel,

There’s a fair amount of useful information available on the
RubyGarden wiki. There’s even a “Real world Ruby” page that lists
exactly the stuff you are talking about. At least, the stuff that I
think you’re talking about. If I’m wrong, let’s just blame it on me
being tired :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, that was the stuff I’m looking for.


At 06:33 PM 6/16/2003 +0900, you wrote:

Daniel Völkerts
JKeySource Passwort Generator (