safestruct gem - Safe Data Structures (Array, Hash, Struct) - Say Goodbye to Null / Nil (and the Billion Dollar Mistake)


  I've put together a new safestruct gem / library [1] that collects
  safe data structures (array, hash, struct)
  and lets you say goodbye to null / nil (and maybe)
  to fix the billion dollar mistake.

  How can the code work without nil?

  Let's say hello to zero :-).
  The new rule for NO null/nil ever (again) is:

  **All variables - including structs, arrays and mappings (hash
dictionaries) -
  MUST ALWAYS get set (initialized) to ZERO (default) values.**

  What's zero?

  > Type | Value |
  > Integer | `0` or `` |
  > Bool | `false` or `` |
  > String | `''` or `` |
  > Array | `[]` or `` |
  > Mapping (Hash) | `{}` or `` |
  > Vote (Struct) | ` 0, false, 0, '0x0000')` or `` |
  > Address | `0x0000` or `` or `Address(0)` |
  > ... | |

   Stay safe and set all your variables to zero - always, always,
always. Cheers. Prost.
