Safe override of Class#new?

class Class
    alias :create :new

    def new(*a,&b)
      obj = allocate
      obj.extend advice
      return obj

Note #advice is a sprcisl module that provides AOP features.

Like to get the opinions of other Ruby experts on this. What kind of
potential trouble am I asking for by using this?


Like to get the opinions of other Ruby experts on this. What
kind of potential trouble am I asking for by using this?

(Not that I'm a Ruby expert, but anyway...)

You'll run into a real slowdown of your application. AFAIK,
creating objects is one of the most expensive operations in any
OO language. Even when it's implemented in C, as is done with

Yeah, sure, go ahead, implement it in Ruby and slow it down by
a factor of three!... :}

(Just kidding...)

Erik V. -



require "benchmark"

class Class
   alias :create :new

   def new_new(*a, &b)
     obj = allocate
     obj.send(:initialize, *a, &b)

times = 1_000_000

Benchmark.bmbm do |bm|"old_new") do
     times.times do
   end"new_new") do
     times.times do



               user system total real
old_new 0.680000 0.010000 0.690000 ( 0.687622)
new_new 1.880000 0.010000 1.890000 ( 1.889214)


Ouch. Sigh, any way I seem to slice it, AOP in pure Ruby sucks.



On Mar 5, 3:39 pm, "Erik Veenstra" <> wrote:

> Like to get the opinions of other Ruby experts on this. What
> kind of potential trouble am I asking for by using this?

(Not that I'm a Ruby expert, but anyway...)

You'll run into a real slowdown of your application. AFAIK,
creating objects is one of the most expensive operations in any
OO language. Even when it's implemented in C, as is done with

Yeah, sure, go ahead, implement it in Ruby and slow it down by
a factor of three!... :}

(Just kidding...)

Erik V. -


require "benchmark"

class Class
   alias :create :new

   def new_new(*a, &b)
     obj = allocate
     obj.send(:initialize, *a, &b)

times = 1_000_000

Benchmark.bmbm do |bm|"old_new") do
     times.times do
   end"new_new") do
     times.times do



               user system total real
old_new 0.680000 0.010000 0.690000 ( 0.687622)
new_new 1.880000 0.010000 1.890000 ( 1.889214)

Trans schrieb:

Ouch. Sigh, any way I seem to slice it, AOP in pure Ruby sucks.

Welcome to the club :frowning:


OTOH, do you really want to AOP-ify all Ruby classes? Maybe you can
apply the advice to a limited subset of classes. The performance hit
might be acceptable in the end.


On Mar 6, 1:38 am, "Trans" <> wrote:

Ouch. Sigh, any way I seem to slice it, AOP in pure Rubysucks.

Thank you. I think that will indeed be enough.



On Mar 6, 6:10 pm, "Paolo Nusco Perrotta" <> wrote:

On Mar 6, 1:38 am, "Trans" <> wrote:

> Ouch. Sigh, any way I seem to slice it, AOP in pure Rubysucks.

OTOH, do you really want to AOP-ify all Ruby classes? Maybe you can
apply the advice to a limited subset of classes. The performance hit
might be acceptable in the end.