I was wondering if anyone out there was still working on RUSH (the
Ruby Shell). It looks like the CVS repo on rubyforge was abandoned
for darcs running on magical-cat.org (which is down and has been for
some time). Is the code out there? Is Rue still maintaining it? Or
has some alternative popped up that I don't know about?
I was wondering if anyone out there was still working on RUSH (the
Ruby Shell). It looks like the CVS repo on rubyforge was abandoned
for darcs running on magical-cat.org (which is down and has been for
some time). Is the code out there? Is Rue still maintaining it? Or
has some alternative popped up that I don't know about?
Hi! Opportune time. I was just pondering on whether to
do an intermediary announcement--I have only recently
been able to pick work back up, starting from scratch
and the project name shortened to 'rs'.
The approach is slightly different this time. The 0.1
release which is hopefully not too far off will feature
most of the basic functionality but in pure Ruby syntax.
0.2, eventually, would add a parser for more traditional-
looking shell syntax. Currently I am pretty close to 0.1
but I am revisiting the piping (or ObjectStreaming) a bit
to add some simplicity
Contrived syntax difference example
# 0.1 Normal
ls('-la').| .map {|i| i.reverse} >> '~/revls.txt'
# 0.1 Strict (this should be optional for certain environs)
ls('-la').pipe_to.map {|i| i.reverse}.append_to '~/revls.txt'.to_fso
# 0.2
ls -la | .map {|i| i.reverse} >> ~/revls.txt
The standard stuff, being able to treat files as objects
like foo.mp3.play (to some to-be-determined degree) via
plugins etc. is still in the plan as well as the rs-enabled
system commands and passing stuff around as YAML instead of
plain text.