With -w (verbose mode), Ruby can print compilation warnings, like uninitialized instance variables.
$ ruby -we 'p @a'
-e:1: warning: instance variable @a not initialized
Is there a mode (ala Perl's strict or something similar) that makes Ruby raises errors for compilation warnings?
No, though I wish there were. You can hack it with a thread that reads
from standard error and looks for warnings.
On Sun, Jun 27, 2004 at 07:06:29PM +0900, David Garamond wrote:
With -w (verbose mode), Ruby can print compilation warnings, like
uninitialized instance variables.
$ ruby -we 'p @a'
-e:1: warning: instance variable @a not initialized
Is there a mode (ala Perl's strict or something similar) that makes Ruby
raises errors for compilation warnings?