Rubytk dialog


A newbie question. In my application there is a listbox. The entries of this listbox should be changeable.
I would like to see a popup dialog box with an entry field and two buttons (OK/Cancel). So far I defined
a ValueDialog class that in his initialize method creates and packs all the neccessary widgets in a toplevel,
makes a TkVariable, defines bindings that change this var and calls var.wait. So far so good.

From another part of the application I than call d =, init_label,init_entry)
What I miss is a way to get the changed entry back. d is a ValueDialog. Something like d.get_value
is not useful because the widgets are destroyed after var.wait. Whats the right style?
Initialize is the false place to do this? I couldnt find much sample code. Only tkcombobox.rb includes
something similiar, but I am not been able to understand that fully, yet


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From another part of the application I than call d =, init_label,init_entry)
What I miss is a way to get the changed entry back. d is a ValueDialog.

Could you show me your code of ValueDialog class?


From: Enrico Schwass <>
Subject: rubytk dialog
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 01:22:57 +0900
Hidetoshi NAGAI (