Ruby's Bignum

Hi everyone. I'm porting some C code to pure ruby, and I would like to
keep Ruby from turning my numbers in to Bignums. Is that possible?

For example, in C:

  printf("number: %d\n", 0xd76aa478);

Prints "number: -680876936"

In ruby:

irb(main):001:0> puts 0xd76aa478
=> nil

Is it possible to get ruby to behave the same way as C? This seems like
something easy to do, I'm just having a hard time figuring it out.
Thank you!



From: Aaron Patterson <>
To: (ruby-talk ML)
Subject: Ruby's Bignum
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2006 15:34:59 +0900

Hi everyone. I'm porting some C code to pure ruby, and I would like to
keep Ruby from turning my numbers in to Bignums. Is that possible?

For example, in C:

  printf("number: %d\n", 0xd76aa478);

Prints "number: -680876936"

In ruby:

irb(main):001:0> puts 0xd76aa478
=> nil

Is it possible to get ruby to behave the same way as C? This seems like
something easy to do, I'm just having a hard time figuring it out.
Thank you!

Try this:

irb(main):001:0> puts [0xd76aa478].pack('L').unpack('l').first
=> nil


Park Heesob

Hi everyone. I'm porting some C code to pure ruby, and I would like to
keep Ruby from turning my numbers in to Bignums. Is that possible?

For example, in C:

  printf("number: %d\n", 0xd76aa478);

Prints "number: -680876936"

In ruby:

irb(main):001:0> puts 0xd76aa478
=> nil

Is it possible to get ruby to behave the same way as C? This seems like
something easy to do, I'm just having a hard time figuring it out.
Thank you!

Hi Aaron,

Short answer, no. In Ruby, as you know, everything is an object and in
the C code implementing ruby, this is represented by pointers to these
objects. These pointers have a type of VALUE which is basically a
32-bit integer. But it would be pretty inefficient to store integers
as memory-allocated objects so instead it stores them in the same
32-bit integer. (This is true for FixInt, BigNum is an object ref). So
how does the interpreter know the difference between an object
reference and a FixInt? It relies on the fact that all memory pointers
are are on 4 or 8-byte boundaries so that leaves at least the last 2
bits free. These last two bits are used to specify whether VALUE is an
integer, a refence or possibly a symbol, true or false value or nil.
This means that there are only 30 bits left to specify the value of
FixInt. So the maximum value you can store in a FixInt is 0x3FFFFFFF
and the minimum is -0x40000000.

irb(main):007:0> 0x40000000.class
=> Bignum
irb(main):008:0> 0x3fffffff.class
=> Fixnum
irb(main):009:0> -0x40000000.class
=> Fixnum
irb(main):010:0> -0x40000001.class
=> Bignum

Hope that makes sense.



On 6/4/06, Aaron Patterson <> wrote:


Aaron Patterson wrote:

Hi everyone. I'm porting some C code to pure ruby, and I would like to
keep Ruby from turning my numbers in to Bignums. Is that possible?

For example, in C:

  printf("number: %d\n", 0xd76aa478);

Prints "number: -680876936"

It's just another variation on pack/unpack, but with bit-struct (from RAA):

require 'bit-struct'

class C < BitStruct
  signed :foo, 32

c = = 0xd76aa478

printf("number: %d\n",
# ==> number: -680876936


      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Sorry, this answer should have been under "and I would like to keep
Ruby from turning my numbers in to Bignums. Is that possible?"

To cast an Integer to a 32-bit signed integer you can use pack/unpack
like Park said, or you could do it like this;

def to_32_bit_signed(val)
    val |= -0x100000000 if (val & 0x80000000) > 0


On 6/4/06, David Balmain <> wrote:

On 6/4/06, Aaron Patterson <> wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm porting some C code to pure ruby, and I would like to
> keep Ruby from turning my numbers in to Bignums. Is that possible?
> For example, in C:
> printf("number: %d\n", 0xd76aa478);
> Prints "number: -680876936"
> In ruby:
> irb(main):001:0> puts 0xd76aa478
> 3614090360
> => nil
> Is it possible to get ruby to behave the same way as C? This seems like
> something easy to do, I'm just having a hard time figuring it out.
> Thank you!

Hi Aaron,

Short answer, no. In Ruby, as you know, everything is an object and in
the C code implementing ruby, this is represented by pointers to these
objects. These pointers have a type of VALUE which is basically a
32-bit integer. But it would be pretty inefficient to store integers
as memory-allocated objects so instead it stores them in the same
32-bit integer. (This is true for FixInt, BigNum is an object ref). So
how does the interpreter know the difference between an object
reference and a FixInt? It relies on the fact that all memory pointers
are are on 4 or 8-byte boundaries so that leaves at least the last 2
bits free. These last two bits are used to specify whether VALUE is an
integer, a refence or possibly a symbol, true or false value or nil.
This means that there are only 30 bits left to specify the value of
FixInt. So the maximum value you can store in a FixInt is 0x3FFFFFFF
and the minimum is -0x40000000.

irb(main):007:0> 0x40000000.class
=> Bignum
irb(main):008:0> 0x3fffffff.class
=> Fixnum
irb(main):009:0> -0x40000000.class
=> Fixnum
irb(main):010:0> -0x40000001.class
=> Bignum

Hope that makes sense.


Thanks Park! Thats exactly what I was looking for.



On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 04:23:38PM +0900, Park Heesob wrote:

Try this:

irb(main):001:0> puts [0xd76aa478].pack('L').unpack('l').first
=> nil

And if you need this in multiple places of the program then it's
probably worth while to create a new subclass of Integer that
restricts itself to 32 bit calculations

Int32 < Integer
  def initialize(x)
    @val = to_32(x)
  def to_int ...
  def coerce(a,b) ...
  def hash() ...
  def eql?(x)
  def ==(x) ...
  def +(x) ...
  def -(x) ...
  def to_32(x) ...


It's a nice excercise to get used to operators and numercial coercion. :slight_smile:

Maybe we can even generalize that and put it into the standard lib -
something like a restricted integer that calculates with a max number
of bits.

Kind regards



2006/6/4, David Balmain <>:

On 6/4/06, David Balmain <> wrote:
To cast an Integer to a 32-bit signed integer you can use pack/unpack
like Park said, or you could do it like this;

def to_32_bit_signed(val)
    val |= -0x100000000 if (val & 0x80000000) > 0

Have a look:

"Robert Klemme" <> writes:


2006/6/4, David Balmain <>:

On 6/4/06, David Balmain <> wrote:
To cast an Integer to a 32-bit signed integer you can use pack/unpack
like Park said, or you could do it like this;

def to_32_bit_signed(val)
    val |= -0x100000000 if (val & 0x80000000) > 0

And if you need this in multiple places of the program then it's
probably worth while to create a new subclass of Integer that
restricts itself to 32 bit calculations

Int32 < Integer
  def initialize(x)
    @val = to_32(x)
  def to_int ...
  def coerce(a,b) ...
  def hash() ...
  def eql?(x)
  def ==(x) ...
  def +(x) ...
  def -(x) ...
  def to_32(x) ...


It's a nice excercise to get used to operators and numercial coercion. :slight_smile:

Maybe we can even generalize that and put it into the standard lib -
something like a restricted integer that calculates with a max number
of bits.

This is indeed a good Ruby exercise, but if it ever ends up in the
standard library, I would then vote for it to be re-implemented in C, as
the Ruby version would be hugely less efficient than the native
32-bit-integer operations that are already available in C.

Lloyd Zusman
God bless you.


It's a nice excercise to get used to operators and numercial coercion. :slight_smile:

Maybe we can even generalize that and put it into the standard lib -
something like a restricted integer that calculates with a max number
of bits.

I was hoping this would be in the standard lib since I have to do it a
lot! I will be filling out that class so that I won't have to type as
much though. :slight_smile:



On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 06:32:54PM +0900, Robert Klemme wrote:

Completely agree!



2006/6/4, Lloyd Zusman <>:

> And if you need this in multiple places of the program then it's
> probably worth while to create a new subclass of Integer that
> restricts itself to 32 bit calculations

> It's a nice excercise to get used to operators and numercial coercion. :slight_smile:
> Maybe we can even generalize that and put it into the standard lib -
> something like a restricted integer that calculates with a max number
> of bits.

This is indeed a good Ruby exercise, but if it ever ends up in the
standard library, I would then vote for it to be re-implemented in C, as
the Ruby version would be hugely less efficient than the native
32-bit-integer operations that are already available in C.

Have a look: Robert K. | Flickr