RubyInline 3.1.0 Released

RubyInline version 3.1.0 has been released!


Ruby Inline is my quick attempt to create an analog to Perl's
Inline::C. It allows you to embed C or C++ external module code in
your ruby script directly. The code is compiled and run on the fly
when needed. The ruby version isn't near as feature-full as the perl
version, but it is neat!


+ Quick and easy inlining of your C or C++ code embedded in your ruby script.
+ Rudimentary automatic conversion between ruby and C basic types
   (char, unsigned, unsigned int, char *, int, long, unsigned long).
+ inline_c_raw exists for when the automatic conversion isn't sufficient.
+ Only recompiles if the inlined code has changed.
+ Pretends to be secure.
+ Only uses standard ruby libraries, nothing extra to download.
+ Simple as it can be. Less than 230 lines long... um... sorta simple.


+ 2 minor enhancement
         Extended API of Inline::C with prefix(code).
         + Documented all public API.
+ 2 bug fixes
         + Cleaned a lot of code and tests.
         + Removed nearly all tags.