I've been experiencing some strange behavior with rubygems.
Solaris 10 x86
ruby 1.8.4
I dont' have access to the default rubygems repository, so I'm trying to set one up in my user dir. I know about the poisoned gem index thing and I've removed all the old cache files... so I'm pretty sure that's not where the problem lies. Anyway, I setup my GEM_HOME environment variable, downloaded rubygems 0.9.2 and installed it in my home directory using:
$ ruby setup.rb config --prefix=/path/to/my/home
$ ruby setup.rb setup
$ ruby setup.rb install
Here's where it gets weird. At the end of the installation, it tells me:
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: sources
Version: 0.0.1
File: sources-0.0.1.gem
Removing old RubyGems RDoc and ri...
Installing rubygems-0.8.11 ri...
Installing rubygems-0.8.11 rdoc...
As of RubyGems 0.8.0, library stubs are no longer needed.
Searching $LOAD_PATH for stubs to optionally delete (may take a while)...
No library stubs found.
What??? 0.8.11
Ok, so then I run [gem update --system] and I get:
Upgrading RubyGems...
Attempting remote upgrade of rubygems-update
Attempting remote installation of 'rubygems-update'
Successfully installed rubygems-update-0.9.2
Updating version of RubyGems to 0.9.2
Installing RubyGems 0.9.2
---> bin
<--- bin
---> lib
---> lib/rbconfig
<--- lib/rbconfig
---> lib/rubygems
<--- lib/rubygems
<--- lib
---> bin
<--- bin
---> lib
---> lib/rbconfig
<--- lib/rbconfig
---> lib/rubygems
<--- lib/rubygems
<--- lib
rm -f InstalledFiles
---> bin
mkdir -p /opt/csw/bin/
install gem /opt/csw/bin/
setup.rb:466:in `chmod': Not owner - /opt/csw/bin/gem (Errno::EPERM)
from setup.rb:466:in `rm_f'
from setup.rb:513:in `install'
from setup.rb:1093:in `verbose_off'
from setup.rb:512:in `install'
from setup.rb:1200:in `install_files'
from setup.rb:1199:in `install_files'
from setup.rb:1179:in `install_dir_bin'
from setup.rb:1328:in `traverse'
from setup.rb:1345:in `dive_into'
from setup.rb:1326:in `traverse'
from setup.rb:1320:in `exec_task_traverse'
from setup.rb:1315:in `exec_task_traverse'
from setup.rb:1175:in `exec_install'
from setup.rb:894:in `exec_install'
from setup.rb:712:in `invoke'
from setup.rb:681:in `invoke'
from setup.rb:1359
RubyGems system software updated
Ok, this is bizarre. It's trying to update the system wide version of rubygems?
What if I try running [/path/to/my/home/bin/gem update --system] ??? Same results as above.
My GEM_HOME environment variable is set so???
running [gem env] shows me that my gem environment *seems* to be ok:
- VERSION: 0.8.11 (0.8.11)
- INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /path/to/my/home/lib/ruby/gems
- /path/to/my/home/lib/ruby/gems
- http://gems.rubyforge.org
I really need some help with this as I have no idea why rubygems are behaving this way.