Rubygems front end?

Does one exist? I wanted to have a look at how one would go about it. Or to be more specific, I need to make a web interface that I can use to search the available gems, and list their descriptions and versions. I can use the normal gem command line to actually install stuff. But I want to do quick local auto complete searches of available gems.

  Basically all I need is the info that comes from a gem list --remote. But I want to pull this info every few hours and insert it into my database so I can use it in my web interface. What would be the most polite way of doing this as far as rubygems are concerned? Should I just parse the gem list --remote with regexes? Doesn't seem like the way to go really. And is down right now so I can't read up on it.

  Is there an easier way to do this built into rubygems already? I suppose my next step will be to just read the source and figure it out but if anyone has suggestions then please let me know,.


Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:

Does one exist?

There is the beginnings of a project at 'rubyslippers' on Rubyforge.
[last activity 18 months ago.]

And I thought I had seen something with a 'native' GUI [rubyslippers
uses rwd] but I can't find it...

Also, there was this thread on rubygems-developers -




Posted via\.

The Gem.source_index contains a source index object that contains lots
of information on available packages.


On 9/29/06, Ezra Zygmuntowicz <> wrote:

        Does one exist? I wanted to have a look at how one would go about
it. Or to be more specific, I need to make a web interface that I can
use to search the available gems, and list their descriptions and
versions. I can use the normal gem command line to actually install
stuff. But I want to do quick local auto complete searches of
available gems.

        Basically all I need is the info that comes from a gem list --
remote. But I want to pull this info every few hours and insert it
into my database so I can use it in my web interface. What would be
the most polite way of doing this as far as rubygems are concerned?
Should I just parse the gem list --remote with regexes? Doesn't seem
like the way to go really. And is down
right now so I can't read up on it.

        Is there an easier way to do this built into rubygems already? I
suppose my next step will be to just read the source and figure it
out but if anyone has suggestions then please let me know,.



Thanks for the responses. I ended up just regexing the gem list --remote output as it was simple to do. I'll share here in case someone else ends up wanting something like this. Here is a rake task that will pull the gem list and parse it into a hash with he name of the gem as the key and versions and descriptions as subhashes of the gem name key. THen it populates a bunch of GemIndex ActiveRecord Objects.

namespace :parsegems do
   def parse_gems(gem_list)
     last = ''
     gem_list.each do |line|
       case line
       when /(\w+)\s+\((.*?)\)/
         (hsh[$1] ||= {})[:versions]=$2
         last = $1
       when /\A(\s+\w.*?)\Z/
         (hsh[last][:desc] ||= '') << ($1+' ')

   desc 'Gets the gems list --remote and parse it into the app_gems database table for quick autocomplete.'
   task :import => :environment do
     hsh = parse_gems(`gem list --remote`)
     hsh.keys.each do |key|
       g = GemIndex.find_or_create_by_name(key)
       g.update_attributes :versions => hsh[key][:versions],
                           :description => hsh[key][:desc]
       puts "Imported Gem Data for: #{key}"

