I think I have prepared my package for rubygems,
however I have no clue how to require it.
I have tried
ruby concat1.rb
concat1.rb:1:in `require’: No such file to load – iterator (LoadError)
from concat1.rb:1
expand -t2 concat1.rb
require ‘iterator’
concatenate following 3 strings together, so they
appear to be one string.
ary1 = “Hell”.split(//).to_a
ary2 = “O wO”.split(//).to_a
ary3 = “rld!”.split(//).to_a
i1 = ary1.create_iterator
i2 = ary2.create_iterator
i3 = ary3.create_iterator
iterator = Iterator::Concat.new([i1, i2, i3])
puts iterator.to_a.join #-> Hello World!
Have I done something wrong when releasing it?
Simon Strandgaard
gem --list
expand -t2 specifications/iterator-0.5.gemspec
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = %q{iterator}
s.version = %q{0.5}
s.summary = %q{bidirectional external iterators}
s.files = [“LICENSE”, “README”, “TODO”, “lib/iterator.rb”, “samples/concat1.rb”, “samples/continuation1.rb”, “samples/filler1.rb”, “samples/implicit1.rb”, “samples/implicit2.rb”, “samples/multiway1.rb”, “samples/multiway2.rb”, “samples/transformer1.rb”, “test/test_all.rb”, “test/test_iterator.rb”]
s.require_paths = [“lib”]
s.autorequire = %q{iterator}
s.author = %q{Simon Strandgaard}
s.email = %q{neoneye@adslhome.dk}
s.homepage = %q{http://aeditor.rubyforge.org}
s.rubyforge_project = %q{aeditor}
s.description = <<-EOS
The overall design is stable. I don’t expect any big changes.
Collection, iterates over an Array or similar containers.
Reverse, decorator which reverses the iterator.
Range, iterate in the range between two iterators.
Concat, concat multiple iterators into one.
Continuation, turn #each_word/#each_byte into an iterator.
ProxyLast, remembers the last visited value.
Plus some StandardTemplateLibrary inspired methods that operate
on iterators.