Ruby1.6 speed compared to 1.8 with/without threads


while porting our software from ruby1.6 to ruby1.8, we found some
performance issues.

Especially it seems that compiling ruby1.8 with pthreads enabled
(the way package is made in Debian GNU/Linux) gives poor results.

I wonder if other people have noticed this?


TEST: 1000.times { a = []; 4000.times {a << 1} }

ruby1.8 without pthread: 6.679s
ruby1.8 with pthread: 10.576s
ruby1.6: 5.755s

TEST: 1000.times { ':' }

ruby1.8 without pthread: 8.087s
ruby1.8 with pthread: 10.503s
ruby1.6: 7.810s

TEST: 1000.times { s = ''; 2000.times {s << 'hello'} }

ruby1.8 without pthread: 5.030s
ruby1.8 with pthread: 6.807s
ruby1.6: 7.099s

TEST: 1000.times { def a; 'hello'; end; 2000.times { a } }

ruby1.8 without pthread: 5.311s
ruby1.8 with pthread: 8.386s
ruby1.6: 4.116s

TEST: 1000.times { h = {}; 1000.times {|t| h[t] = 'hello' } }

ruby1.8 without pthread: 4.064s
ruby1.8 with pthread: 6.436s
ruby1.6: 3.461s

TEST: 1000.times { 200.times {|t| eval('$test%d = \'hello\'' % t) } }

ruby1.8 without pthread: 6.816s
ruby1.8 with pthread: 8.507s
ruby1.6: 5.630s

TEST: 1000.times { ('X' * 100000).sub(/X/) {|s| s.downcase} }

ruby1.8 without pthread: 7.843s
ruby1.8 with pthread: 7.977s
ruby1.6: 7.405s


- --
Martin Povolny