Ruby Weekly News 19th - 25th June 2006

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Ruby Weekly News 19th - 25th June 2006



   Ruby Weekly News is a summary of the week's activity on the ruby-talk
   mailing list / the comp.lang.ruby newsgroup / Ruby forum, brought to you
   by Tim Sutherland.

   [ Contribute to the next newsletter ]

Articles and Announcements

     * DABlog (ruby-talk)

       David A. Black announced a new Ruby blog: DABlog, and in its first
       post said:

       > I've never been a fan of the term "blog", so I'm doing an end run
       > around it by naming this log after myself. Anyone who wants to think
       > of it as "Da Blog" may do so, and I get to think of it as the log of
       > David A. Black. So everyone is happy.

     * A new home for RubyForge (ruby-talk)

       RubyForge is no longer hosted in Rich Kilmer's basement, thanks to
       Ruby Central and lots of work from Rich and Tom Copeland.

       Tom: "May RubyForge's next three years be as lively as its first

     * RubyConf 2006 talk proposals now being accepted (ruby-talk)

       David A. Black: "In case you missed it the first time (and rather a
       lot of you seem to have...)", you are now able to submit RubyConf 2006
       talk proposals.

       "You can, and you should, and if you intend to, you MUST!"

       The deadline is June 30, 2006.

User Group News

     * Ruby Beach group in Miami/Fort Lauderdale (comp.lang.ruby)

       In the last newsletter we saw a post calling out to Ruby users in
       Miami/Fort Lauderdale. There were several followups this week, saying
       that two groups in South Florida have recently formed and had their
       first meetings: South Florida Rubyists and RubyRailsSofla.

Image of the Week


   Disembarcadero by Automatt, posted to Flickr under the Creative Commons
   Attribution 2.0 license.


  General API design question: FooError vs Foo::Error (ruby-talk)

   Daniel Berger wondered about the convention for exception naming after
   noticing that e.g. TimeoutError in the `timeout' standard library is now
   deprecated in favour of Timeout::Error.

   There were no replies.

  Problems with Ruby and C++ (ruby-talk)

   In this thread Paul Brannan linked to a valgrind suppressions file for
   Ruby. Developers of C extensions can use this for debugging memory issues.

  pp Pascal (#84) (ruby-talk)

   This week's Ruby Quiz is by Dirk Meijer, and challenges you to write a
   Ruby program that outputs Pascal's Triangles.

  templating systems (comp.lang.ruby)

   A list of Ruby templating systems was given by Trans:

   > eruby is the most common as it is one of the first and comes with Ruby.
   > Rails apps use it. There are also plenty of others. Amrita is very nice
   > one for instance. And Facets include a TAL (tag attribute language) in
   > rtals.rb. I beleive Kwartz is another that's maintained, and the list
   > goes on. I think somewhere there's even an attempt at an emulation of
   > Perl's template toolkit.

   Radius is another option.

  Rails Live CD (comp.lang.ruby)

   Brian Ketelsen's "Rails Live CD" has had tremendous progress over the last
   few weeks.

   The CD boots into Linux, with Ruby, Rails, MySQL, RadRails and more ready
   for you to play with. There is also a "VMWare Player Virtual Appliance"

  Whats new/fixed in Ruby 1.9 and Ruby 2.0 (ruby-talk)

   In an otherwise dismal thread, Matz made an interesting comment regarding
   Ruby 1.9 and 2.0: "All major incompatibility shall be introduced by 1.9

  New RMagick tutorial: Web 2.0 Graphics (ruby-talk)

   Timothy Hunter created a new RMagick tutorial that shows you how to
   "dynamically create images with transparency, the "glass" effect,
   gradients, shadows, and text."

   RMagick is a Ruby library for the ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
   image-processing tools.

  ALSA bindings? (comp.lang.ruby)

   Phil Tomson asked if anyone had created Ruby bindings for ALSA (Advanced
   Linux Sound Architecture). Hans Fugal didn't think so, but said he'd be
   interested in helping out and integrating it with his ruby/audio library.

New Releases

  GeoCoding API updates (ruby-talk)

   Eric Hodel's Yahoo, Google and geocoding APIs are now joined
   by one for MetaCarta.

  mongrel_cluster 0.2.0 -- Mongrel 0.3.13 Compliant (ruby-talk)

   Bradley Taylor's mongrel_cluster had some features added, and the license

   "Mongrel_cluster is a GemPlugin that wrappers the mongrel HTTP server and
   simplifies the deployment of webapps using a cluster of mongrel servers."

  Syndication 0.6 (RSS & Atom parsing) (comp.lang.ruby)

   Syndication 0.6 has new experimental support for Google Calendar feeds.
   "This module provides classes for parsing web syndication feeds in RSS and
   Atom formats", written by mathew.

  Radius 0.5.1 -- Powerful Tag-Based Templates (ruby-talk)

   John W. Long fixed a bug in Radius, a tag-based template language for

   "It uses tags similar to XML, but can be used to generate any form of
   plain text (HTML, e-mail, etc...). Radiant CMS currently uses Radius in
   its unique templating system."

  Announcing Beta Release of GP Ruby.NET Compiler (ruby-talk)

   Wayne Kelly (of Queensland University of Technology): "We are pleased to
   announce the preliminary Beta release of the Gardens Point Ruby.NET
   compiler. Note: this is not just a Ruby/.NET bridge, nor a Ruby
   Interpreter implemented on .NET, but a true .NET compiler."

   > The compiler can be used to statically compile a Ruby source file into a
   > verifiable .NET v2.0 assembly or it can be used to directly execute a
   > Ruby source file (compile, load and execute). Our implementation is not
   > yet fully complete, but it is the only Ruby compiler that we know of for
   > either the .NET or JVM platforms that is able to pass all 871 tests in
   > the samples/test.rb installation test suite of Ruby 1.8.2.

   The software is developed by Wayne Kelly, Douglas Stockwell, Brian
   Blackwell, Chien Jon Soon and Wayne Reid, and receives some sponsorship
   from Microsoft. It is realised under a liberal free software license

   Sanxiyn posted a followup "Compiling GP Ruby.NET Compiler on Mono".

  Mongrel -- Quick Small Fixes (ruby-talk)

   Zed Shaw fixed a small bug in Mongrel, corrected some documentation, and
   (thanks to Jonas Pfenniger) added RedirectHandler for doing redirects.

   > Mongrel is a fast HTTP library and server for Ruby that is intended for
   > hosting Ruby web applications of any kind using plain HTTP rather than
   > FastCGI or SCGI. It is framework agnostic and already supports Ruby On
   > Rails, Og+Nitro, and Camping frameworks.

  rubyFreenet 0.1 (ruby-talk)

   Phillip Hutchings created a Ruby interface to Freenet Client Protocol 2.0,
   for the "decentralised anonymous network that provides data storage

  ruby-prof-0.4.0 (ruby-talk)

   Charlie Savage and Shugo Maeda's ruby-prof had a new release "chock full
   of new features".

   It's faster (now 15-50% overhead), supports multiple threads, has
   cross-referenced html reports, "vastly improved documentation", Windows
   support, a gem, and more.

   Yeah, wow.

  Mongrel -- RailsConf 2006 Release (ruby-talk)

   Zed Shaw found some time at RailsConf 2006 to make some improvements to
   Mongrel, such as notification filters (see the mongrel_upload_progress gem
   by _why and Rick Olsen).