I hope I am not intruding too much, so I will keep this brief. I have
just put on line a web spider that scrapes the web once per day looking
for new Ruby-related web articles, sourceforge projects, or other
significant Ruby mentions. The output just began and it should get
better as time goes by (if all goes according to plan ;-))) since the
initial listing of the 200 “most recent” articles will gradually be
replaced with newer articles.
I am sorry to say that the program is written in Python, but I am
thinking that it may be fun to try to do a better version in Ruby. If
there is "prior art’ on this type of subject in Ruby, I’d appreciate
knowing. I am a hobbyist and not a pro, so please be gentle.
I wil try not to disturb the peace here again until I have something
written in Ruby. I have been an amateur Python hobbyist (and JavaScript)
and am now exploring other languages.
looks nice so far, only saw a few non-ruby-related articles that
happened to have the ruby string in them. maybe needs a few more
sources tho I know theres prolly not a ton of news sources that mention
ruby regularly. still, nice work!
On Saturday, January 4, 2003, at 10:37 PM, Ron Stephens wrote:
I hope I am not intruding too much, so I will keep this brief. I have
just put on line a web spider that scrapes the web once per day
looking for new Ruby-related web articles, sourceforge projects, or
other significant Ruby mentions. The output just began and it
While I haven’t had a chance to see your site, there is a list of Ruby articles (though perhaps incomplete) on www.ruby-doc.org
James Britt
On Saturday, January 4, 2003, at 10:37 PM, Ron Stephens wrote:
I hope I am not intruding too much, so I will keep this brief. I have
just put on line a web spider that scrapes the web once per day
looking for new Ruby-related web articles, sourceforge projects, or
other significant Ruby mentions. The output just began and it