I am a local resource manager, and I am trying to understand a
technology that I had been previously unaware of. I am looking for
consultants for a position in Columbus with one of our local clients.
We are looking test analysts who have used / worked with Ruby WATIR
(Web Application Testing in Ruby). Is this related to Ruby on Rails,
and can you tell from this limited amount of information what kind of
consutlant I should be seeking? I am truly appreciative of any
guidance that this group may be able to provide. In addition, if there
is anyone who knows of someone who may be looking for a position like
this, please have them contact me at
Thank you

I'm not for hire (Linux sysadmin now), but I've got experience as a
test-developer working with watir, so I can answer some stuff.

1) It's not at all related to ruby on rails. It's a windows* specific
library that automates IE, and does so in some really awesome ways.
The big upside of this is that you can be confident your test hits
button A, it follows the same (possibly bug-ridden) code-path as user
when they hit button A.

2) Look for test developers, you need someone who knows testing, and
can do some coding. They don't really need to know ruby or watir
going in, it's not hard to get up to speed on. If they don't know
ruby already, just make sure they know how to program in _more_ than
one language: For some reason, monoglot** programmers have a harder
time learning new languages, especially on the job. It was my first
introduction to ruby actually, and it was a heck of a lot easier
learning ruby + watir together than it was learning how to deal with
TestComplete's specific vbscript/.net automation package, which I also
had to do, but thankfully not at the same time.

Good luck.

* Someday, somehow, it will finally be released in a cross
browser/cross platform fashion. Have faith in Bret, he's very active
in the project AFAIK, and he may just beat me to posting a response.

** A monoglot is a person who speaks only one language. I think we
all remember learning our second programing language, and that it
wasn't easy at the get-go, because it wasn't the same. It's just one
of those things.

Did you try the watir mailing list?

Or other *atir lists (particularly FireWatir which also has some nice guys)

Are you sure you are looking for Watir? There are other excellent tools like Selenium or more recently WebRat (never tried though but heard that it''s good)

Selenium/WATIR are not tied to Rails, but there are some tools/plugins/etc. which make the integration easy. (WebRat is a Rails Plugin actually, so that's a Rails thing - (though someone just made a Merb fork, so I guess it can be tweaked for other stuff as well)

I would guess you are seeking for a tester with some (preferably a lot of) experience in web development... but a web guy with strong programming skills and at least a bit of inclination for testing could theoretically do...




On Apr 23, 2008, at 6:15 PM, evhjim wrote:

I am a local resource manager, and I am trying to understand a
technology that I had been previously unaware of. I am looking for
consultants for a position in Columbus with one of our local clients.
We are looking test analysts who have used / worked with Ruby WATIR
(Web Application Testing in Ruby). Is this related to Ruby on Rails,
and can you tell from this limited amount of information what kind of
consutlant I should be seeking? I am truly appreciative of any
guidance that this group may be able to provide. In addition, if there
is anyone who knows of someone who may be looking for a position like
this, please have them contact me at
Thank you

Thank you very much, that is very helpful. I have clearly been looking
in the wrong areas. I appreciate your expert assistance, this should
help me in my search.


Are there any other testing applications associated with Ruby?

Actually, I was not aware of a Watir user group, but I will definately
check that out. I am also not sure that Watir is what I need. We have
been tasked with finding Ruby testers, and so far all I have found
concerning Ruby testing has been Watir. Obviously, there is a lot I
have to learn about this, which is the reason for all of my questions.
Again, I am appriciative of your expert knowledge. Hopefully I can
determine the client needs, and find the right person.

Thank you

Hi evhjim,

I am a Tester from RF. Ruby has such gems to test the web applications.
Except, Watir, Selenium I am using WET, RubyScript2EXE and some small
helping gems like hpricot,mechanize..

In Ruby, Watir is very powerful and next one is selenium. Watir is
common for all applications. But selenium on rails is a separate part to
test your Rails Application.

For more details



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