Also, you could note that with Ruby you can make non-Web applications,
which to my knowledge, you can't with PHP.
That's not true, of course you can build "non-web" apps with PHP [0] -
starting with simple scripts up to GTK bindings <http://gtk.php.net/>
you have quite a lot of possibilities.
I think there's a lot of prejudice in that field. There are people
building high-traffic websites using PHP, and I think it scales at least
as good as "Ruby on Rails" (as you can use the same methods for
distributing your server load). There's also commercial support
available from Zend <http://www.zend.com/>\.
And last but not least it's still much easier to find a web hoster who
supports PHP (with database bindings etc.) than to get support for Ruby
or even Rails. The latter is changing, though - but at least here in
Germany there's still a long way to go.
[0] e.g. autocompletion and method reference for PHP in my editor
TextMate <http://macromates.com/> is written as PHP scripts ...
Marcelo Paniagua <paniagua@pcmxl.com.mx> wrote: