Ruby/tk internals...?

Hi there,

I am trying to learn how to glue tk with a scripting language, and have
several things that I cannot figure out.

I have understand that in tcltklib.c a tcl command ‘ruby’ is defined,
which executes it’s argument as a ruby command. In tk.rb, a
TkCore.callback method is defined, which is not clear for me. I see that
there is some Tk_CMDTBL and ‘rb_out …’ magic strings, but it is a bit
messy for me. :frowning:

In practice, I would like to know that the callbacks I define, in what
context will run?

I have tried to figure it out:


irb(main):001:0> require "tk"
irb(main):004:0> Tk::INTERP._invoke “ruby”,"id"
TypeError: failed to convert Fixnum into String
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.6/tk.rb:889:in _invoke' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.6/tk.rb:889:in_invoke’
from (irb):4
irb(main):002:0> Tk::INTERP._invoke “ruby”,“id.to_s”
irb(main):005:0> a=“blah”
irb(main):007:0> Tk::INTERP._invoke “ruby”,"a"
NameError: (eval):889:in _invoke': undefined local variable or methoda’ for #Object:0x40268ce0
from (eval):889:in _invoke' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.6/tk.rb:889:in_invoke’
from (irb):7
irb(main):008:0> Tk::INTERP._invoke “ruby”,“a=‘blahblah’”
irb(main):009:0> Tk::INTERP._invoke “ruby”,“a"
NameError: (eval):889:in _invoke': undefined local variable or methoda’ for #Object:0x40268ce0
from (eval):889:in _invoke' from /usr/lib/ruby/1.6/tk.rb:889:in_invoke’
from (irb):9
irb(main):010:0> a

In short, it look like the string is evaled in the context of main, but
the local variables are not seen.

Could somebody help to clear it out to me? :slight_smile:




In message “ruby/tk internals…?” on 02/08/15, Ferenc Engard writes:

In practice, I would like to know that the callbacks I define, in what
context will run?

The argument string is evaluated under the context created for each
invocation of “ruby” command.


In practice, I would like to know that the callbacks I define, in what
context will run?

The argument string is evaluated under the context created for each
invocation of “ruby” command.

And what is this context? Is it a plain new Object for every invocation,
i.e. I can use only global variables and methods defined in main, cannot
define new methods or classes, etc.?

Anyway, at the URL ‘
there is a short description about many GUIs, and it writes, that in
Ruby/GTK the signal handlers have context of its caller. But the article
doesn’t tell what is that context:

To associate a signal from a widget with some specific action, you can
call the widget’s signal_connect method. This method takes a string
argument indicating the signal name (like “clicked”) and a code block
that will be evaluated in the caller’s context. For example, if your
Ruby/GTK-based spreadsheet program should save the spreadsheet’s
contents whenever the Save button is clicked, you might include the

saveButton.signal_connect(‘clicked’) {
saveSpreadsheetContents if contentsModified?

How does it work with GTK?



The argument string is evaluated under the context created for each
invocation of “ruby” command.

And what is this context? Is it a plain new Object for every invocation,
i.e. I can use only global variables and methods defined in main, cannot
define new methods or classes, etc.?

It is a plain new “scope” for every invocation. You can define new
methods or classes, but I do recommend you to keep the argument to the
“ruby” command small.

How does it work with GTK?

The context is saved in the Proc object. It is same for Ruby/Tk, for

require “tk”,
‘text’ => ‘hello’,
‘command’ => proc{print “hello\n”}).pack(‘fill’=>‘x’),
‘text’ => ‘quit’,
‘command’ => ‘exit’).pack(‘fill’=>‘x’)

The callback (print “hello\n”) is executed under the current context.
“ruby” command is used to trigger the callback.


In message “Re: ruby/tk internals…?” on 02/08/15, Ferenc Engard writes: