[ruby-talk:444538] [ANN] super_module 1.4.2 Released

super_module 1.4.2 has been released. SuperModule provides a simpler and
more intuitive solution than `ActiveRecord::Concern` by enabling developers
to continue to use Ruby modules as first-class citizens with mixin
inheritance even when wanting to inherit singleton-class methods and

GitHub : GitHub - AndyObtiva/super_module: SuperModule allows defining class methods and method invocations the same way a super class does without using def included(base). This also succeeds ActiveSupport::Concern by offering lighter syntax

RubyGem : super_module | RubyGems.org | your community gem host

Change Log:

## 1.4.2

- Relax method_source gem dependency to `">= 0.8.2", "< 2.0.0"`