[ruby-talk:444227] [ANN] debride 1.12.0 Released

debride version 1.12.0 has been released!

* home: <https://github.com/seattlerb/debride&gt;
* rdoc: <http://docs.seattlerb.org/debride&gt;

Analyze code for potentially uncalled / dead methods, now with auto-removal.


### 1.12.0 / 2023-05-18

* 1 major enhancement:

  * Massive overhaul of bin/debride_rm: faster, cleaner, can run a command between each deletion.

* 2 minor enhancements:

  * Added alias_method and alias as pseudo-calls to source method.
  * Whitelist extended/included/prepended etc by default.

* 6 bug fixes:

  * Added missing rails validation.
  * Bumped sexp_processor and ruby_parser dependencies.
  * Fix --exclude <dir> to properly exclude whole tree.
  * Fixed --exclude option to make it repeatable.
  * Fixed bug on anonymous block forwarding (eg fn(&)). (afuno)
  * Use RubyParser.new instead of RubyParser.for_current_ruby.


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