[ruby-talk:444029] Rroonga 12.1.0 has been released!

Rroonga 12.1.0 has been released! Rroonga is the Ruby bindings for Groonga.

   Fulltext search by Ruby with Groonga - Ranguba




Here are changes since 12.0.8:

   File: news — rroonga - Ranguba

* Fixed a bug that Groonga::PatriciaTrie#scan returned wrong offsets if there are many hit words.

About Rroonga

Here are two important things in Rroonga.

   1. Providing *Ruby-ish* API to use Groonga.
   2. Providing *fast* operations like Groonga.

They mean that Rroonga provides easy to use API without decreasing Groonga's speed.


   % gem install rroonga


There are a tutorial that uses irb:

   File: tutorial — rroonga - Ranguba

If you are a beginner, please try it.

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