I'm trying to write a Ruby SOAP client to talk to, what appears to be
a very strange SOAP server (something written in Java).
The server requires me to submit an "AuthRequest" with a username and
password, and it returns an authToken and a sessionId. I can
authenticate properly, but the server requires that the authToken and
sessionId parameters be put in the Header, not the Body of successive
requests. II don't know how to get the SOAP library to do this (or if
it is possible). AuthRequest returns this:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<context xmlns="urn:zimbra">
<sessionId type="admin"id="151">151</sessionId>
<soap:Body><AuthResponse xmlns="urn:zimbraAdmin">
<a n="zimbraIsDomainAdminAccount">false</a>
<sessionId type="admin" id="151">151</sessionId>
If you notice above, the server always supplies a Header back too. So
how can I put parameters into the Header? Can I build a custom header
if needed?
Also, how do you add a custom attribute to a SOAP method parameter?
One of the SOAP methods that I have to call is called
"GetAccountRequest", and it requires a parameter called "account", but
it requires an attribute, like this:
<account by="name">john.smith@domain.com</account>
How can I specify that "by" attribute?