Ruby, SOAP and WSDL

Hi group, this is another RubyNewbie...

I want to write a SOAP server based on an existing WSDL specification.
Coming from .Net I have only solved SOAP issues (once) by using
autogenerated code from WSDL's. And there is no such thing in Ruby if I
understand correctly. What is the approach to manually creating a SOAP
server interface accoring to a WSDL?

While searching around in this forum I found this statement: "Dyanamic
languages like Ruby don't really need WSDL,".


Henning Jansen

I'm not a SOAP or WSDL expert so I can't answer your first question,
but as for your second:

Dynamic languages like Ruby don't need something like WSDL because
method calls can be intercepted and/or created on the fly. There is no
need for hard interfaces or static declarations that languages like
Java or C++ would need. For more information read the documentation
for the Ruby methods called "method_missing" and "define_method", and
also take a look at Ruby's distributed object library called DRb.



On 11/10/05, jansenh <> wrote:

Hi group, this is another RubyNewbie...

I want to write a SOAP server based on an existing WSDL specification.
Coming from .Net I have only solved SOAP issues (once) by using
autogenerated code from WSDL's. And there is no such thing in Ruby if I
understand correctly. What is the approach to manually creating a SOAP
server interface accoring to a WSDL?

While searching around in this forum I found this statement: "Dyanamic
languages like Ruby don't really need WSDL,".



jansenh wrote:

Hi group, this is another RubyNewbie...

I want to write a SOAP server based on an existing WSDL specification.
Coming from .Net I have only solved SOAP issues (once) by using
autogenerated code from WSDL's. And there is no such thing in Ruby if I
understand correctly. What is the approach to manually creating a SOAP
server interface accoring to a WSDL?

SOAP module bundled with Ruby distribution does not have that but
there's 'wsdl2ruby.rb' in original soap4r distributions. It may help you.

// NaHi

Ryan Leavengood wrote:

I'm not a SOAP or WSDL expert so I can't answer your first question,
but as for your second:

Dynamic languages like Ruby don't need something like WSDL because
method calls can be intercepted and/or created on the fly. There is no
need for hard interfaces or static declarations that languages like
Java or C++ would need. For more information read the documentation
for the Ruby methods called "method_missing" and "define_method", and
also take a look at Ruby's distributed object library called DRb.

WSDL is not (just) about static type declarations. It is a way of publishing a list of services and how to invoke them. For example, Web sites are an instance of dynamic method invocation, but you still need to know a URL before you can hit it. You can try fetching arbitrary pages from sites, but it would be better to know the valid URLs and what they will return.

WSDL may be something like Ruby's "respond_to?" or "public_methods".

The services defined by WSDL do not have to map to any particular code at the end point; the end point is simple using WSDL to assert that, if you send a message in a given format, it will do something useful. As with Ruby code, exactly how that happens is none of the client's business; the client and message sent need not know anything about the implementation, and your entire Web service could be built around method_missing. But that doesn't make a public services description less usefull; clients may still need it to determine if you offer what they want.



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Should this perhaps be bundled with Ruby if we're going to be offering
soap4r bundled with Ruby?

I recognise it isn't "needed" as such, but it is useful.



On 11/13/05, NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <> wrote:

> I want to write a SOAP server based on an existing WSDL specification.
> Coming from .Net I have only solved SOAP issues (once) by using
> autogenerated code from WSDL's. And there is no such thing in Ruby if I
> understand correctly. What is the approach to manually creating a SOAP
> server interface accoring to a WSDL?
SOAP module bundled with Ruby distribution does not have that but
there's 'wsdl2ruby.rb' in original soap4r distributions. It may help you.

Austin Ziegler *
               * Alternate:


Austin Ziegler wrote:

SOAP module bundled with Ruby distribution does not have that but
there's 'wsdl2ruby.rb' in original soap4r distributions. It may help you.

Should this perhaps be bundled with Ruby if we're going to be offering
soap4r bundled with Ruby?

I was thinking so at first, too. But I didn't want to take pollution to
bin directory of users.

Now I'm thinking so too from another reason. wsdl2ruby.rb is for
developer as a part of SDK. Developers should obtain it with samples
and a link to development site. (Document? Oh I wish it exists.)

Soap4r runtime is bundled with ruby.

// NaHi

Ok. That makes sense. The only thing that might then be useful is to
have a soap4r-devel.gem available :wink:



On 11/16/05, NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <> wrote:

Austin Ziegler wrote:

SOAP module bundled with Ruby distribution does not have that but
there's 'wsdl2ruby.rb' in original soap4r distributions. It may
help you.

Should this perhaps be bundled with Ruby if we're going to be
offering soap4r bundled with Ruby?

I was thinking so at first, too. But I didn't want to take pollution
to bin directory of users.

Now I'm thinking so too from another reason. wsdl2ruby.rb is for
developer as a part of SDK. Developers should obtain it with samples
and a link to development site. (Document? Oh I wish it exists.)

Soap4r runtime is bundled with ruby.

Austin Ziegler *
               * Alternate: