Ruby shoes problems

he iam stuck with ruby shoes

the "search" and "list" button doesn't work

here is the code: :title => "PPID", :height => 400, :width => 700 do
  background black, :height => 60
  background gradient(rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7), rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
  title "PPID", :align => "center", :stroke => white
  caption "Personal: Person Info Database", :top => 80, :left => 20
  stack :top => 130, :left => 50 do
  para "Add to database:"
  flow do
  inscription "Name: "
  @name = edit_line :width => 120
  flow do
  inscription "Lastname: "
  @lastname = edit_line :width => 120
  flow do
  inscription "Phonenumber: "
  @phonenumber = edit_line :width => 80
  flow do
  inscription "Birthday: "
  @month = edit_line :width => 30
  @day = edit_line :width => 30
  @year = edit_line :width => 50
  flow do
  inscription "City: "
  @city = edit_line :width => 120
  flow do
  inscription "Streetname: "
  @streetname = edit_line :width => 120
  @housenumber = edit_line :width => 50
  @save_button = button "Save" do
    open('PPIDdata.txt', 'a+') { |f|
    stack do
    @show_text = "Name: #{@name.text} #{@lastname.text}
Phonenumber: #{@phonenumber.text}
Birthday: #{@month.text}-#{@day.text}-#{@year.text}
City: #{@city.text}
Adress: #{@streetname.text} #{@housenumber.text}"
edit_box @show_text, :width => 250, :height => 200, :top => 140, :left
=> 380
  edit_box "", :width => 250, :height => 200, :top => 140, :left => 380

  class SomeDataProcessing
  Person = :name, :last_name, :phone_number, :birthday,
:city, :adress
  def self.openOn(p_file)
  def initialize(p_file)
        @file = p_file
        @persons = {}
  def listData
    @persons.keys.sort.each {|p| showlistData(p)}
  def loadData
    File.foreach(@file) do |line|
      name, last_name, phone_number, birthday, city, adress =
      @persons[name] =, last_name, phone_number,
birthday, city, adress)
  def showData(p_name)
    person = @persons[p_name]
      if person.nil?
        @show_text2 = "#{p_name} not in database."
      stack do
        @show_text2 = "Name: #{} #{person.last_name}"
"Phonenumber: #{person.phone_number}"
"Birthday: #{person.birthday}"
"City: #{}"
"Adress: #{person.adress}"
    edit_box @show_text2, :width => 250, :height => 200, :top => 140,
:left => 380
    def showlistData(p_name)
    person = @persons[p_name]
      if person.nil?
        @show_text3 = "#{p_name} not in database."
        @show_text3 = "#{} #{person.last_name}"
      edit_box @show_text3, :width => 250, :height => 200, :top => 140,
:left => 380

    stack :top => 85, :left => 380 do
  flow do
  name = edit_line :width => 150
  button "Search" do
    ds = SomeDataProcessing.openOn("PPIDdata.txt")
  button "List" do
    dl = SomeDataProcessing.openOn("PPIDdata.txt")


the file they are asking for is this "PPIDdata.txt"
it contains "test,test,test,test-test-test,test,test test"


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Hi Lark,

Thank you for the post about Shoes! :slight_smile:

I confirmed your problem with Shoes 3 (0.r1514) on my Windows 7.

I've uploaded two solutions on Gist. Try them out. :wink:

Hope this helps,

heey many thanks for your help i will check it as soon as i got home,

sorry for my late reply i was very busy these day's.


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heey your great it works!!!!

but i have one problem the list button works but it doesn't shows all
please help me


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Hi Lark,

but i have one problem the list button works
but it doesn't shows all names

If you want to change the text within an editbox every time you click
`search` or `list` button, it's better to use EditBox#text() method.

I updated ppid.rb and PPIDdata.txt in the gist:

Try it out,