Ruby reusability

  I have created two classes and i am calling methods from one class to
another. Look into the following classes

require "Practicals3.rb"
require "test/unit"
require "rubygems"
gem "selenium-client"
require "selenium/client"

class Untitled < Test::Unit::TestCase
  def test_untitled2
  t =


#--------------------- "css=span.bold.decornone"



require "test/unit"
require "rubygems"
gem "selenium-client"
require "selenium/client"
  class Login
attr_reader :a, :b

    def test_openbrowser(a,b)
      @verification_errors = []
    @selenium = \
      :host => "localhost",
      :port => 4444,
      :browser => "*chrome",
      :url => "",
      :timeout_in_second => 60


  def initialstep(a,b)

    puts a
    puts b ""
    @selenium.type "id=login", "demo.harish"
    @selenium.type "id=password", "123456789" "name=commit"
    @selenium.wait_for_page_to_load "30000"


  def Booking(a,b) "id=searchbus_to", "label=Hyderabad" "name=commit"
    @selenium.set_speed "3000" "css=img[alt=\"Book\"]"


    def closebrowser(a,b)

In the class1 i am writing the step as
so, when i execute the script it is showing the following error
"NoMethodError: undefined method `click' for nil:NilClass"

The step " "css=span.bold.decornone" in class1 is
dependent on the method test_openbrowser in class2. And i dont want to
open the new browser session.

Please suggest me the solution

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Make @selenium into $selenium. Initialize it outside of both tests,
and use it inside both.

Steve Klabnik wrote in post #1026293:

Make @selenium into $selenium. Initialize it outside of both tests,
and use it inside both.

Thanks it worked


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