Ruby Quiz Submission

From: Patrick Deuster <>
Date: January 9, 2006 10:42:10 AM CST
Subject: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission

I just found out about Ruby Quiz, and I couldn't resist doing the latest task.
However I don't want to subscripe to the list just yet, so could you
forward it please?

I hope I have enough time to join the list and do more quizes in the future.

Anyway, here's my solution to the current task:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class Fixnum
  def d other
    # Raise an error if we have an invalid combination
    raise "Invalid dice" if self < 1 || other < 1
    # Roll the "other"-sided dice "self"-times { rand(other)+1 } .inject { |x,sum| sum += x }

class Dice
  def initialize(str)
    # Global substition of
    # <operator>d to <operator>1d <operator> = /*+-
    # d% to d100
    # dx to d(x) x = integer
    # d to .d
    @str = str.gsub(/[\/\+\-\*]d/) { |match| match[0..0] + "1d" }
.gsub(/d%/,"d100") .gsub(/(d\s*\d+)/) { |match| "d(" +
match.delete('d') + ")" } .gsub(/d/,".d")
    #@str should now hold valid ruby code to roll the dice
  def roll
    #just evaluate @str
    eval @str

# Take the arguments, create a new dice and roll it
d =[0])
(ARGV[1] || 1).to_i.times { print "#{d.roll} " }

Patrick Deuster


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