Ruby pty and expect

I'm trying to write a program that will log into a list of ip's and run
a command. I running into an issue with expect. When I get logged in I
want to run the command, but some machines the password doesn't work.
When this happens it returns the password prompt again, I want to kill
the process when this happens and move to the next ip.
Her is the code I have but doesn't work correctly. Any help will be

PTY.spawn("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@#{address}") do

reader, writer, pid|

            reader.expect(/$|Password/) do |a, b|
                if a.match("$")
                    Process.kill(9, pid)


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       reader\.expect\(/$|Password/\) do |a, b|


You do remember that the $ character is special in regular
expressions... Try escaping it.

Aaron out.

That was it. thanks a million

PTY.spawn("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@#{address}") do |reader,
writer, pid|
                  reader.expect(/\$|Password/) do |a, b|
                    if a.match(/\$/)
                      Process.kill(9, pid)



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Also if any time later you need more from ruby+ssh, have a look at gem



On 29 June 2012 21:10, Tim L. <> wrote:

That was it. thanks a million

PTY.spawn("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@#{address}") do |reader,
writer, pid|
                 reader.expect(/\$|Password/) do |a, b|
                   if a.match(/\$/)
                     Process.kill(9, pid)


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I agree with the regex comment and also I have had an easier time / better
luck using net-ssh for these type of actions.


On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 8:10 PM, ZipiZap zap <> wrote:

Also if any time later you need more from ruby+ssh, have a look at gem


On 29 June 2012 21:10, Tim L. <> wrote:

That was it. thanks a million

PTY.spawn("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@#{address}") do |reader,
writer, pid|
                 reader.expect(/\$|Password/) do |a, b|
                   if a.match(/\$/)
                     Process.kill(9, pid)


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