Ruby Problem

Hi Stefano (aka []):

You wrote last Thursday, December 12, 2002 5:09 PM:


i don´t know how to build a loop for the following problem:

class TestClass
def input(num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6) #<-- does that
make sense? Is it right?

personal opinion, no, it does not make sense. You have to trust your
instincts :slight_smile:



attr_accessor :num1
attr_accessor :num2
attr_accessor :num3
attr_accessor :num4
attr_accessor :num5
attr_accessor :num6

ob = TestClass::new

6.times do |i|
print "Enter number #(i+1): "
ob.num[i]=gets.to_f #<—this is my problem

yes, one of your problems :wink:


Maybe you´ve found some other mistakes or things i should do
better. I´d be very happy if you´ld help me ´cause i´m very
new to ruby. Thank you very much.

C:\family\ruby>type a1.rb
class TestClass
attr_accessor :num1
attr_accessor :num2
attr_accessor :num3
attr_accessor :num4
attr_accessor :num5
attr_accessor :num6

ob =

6.times do |i|
print "Enter number #{i+1}: "
eval(“ob.num#{i+1}=gets.to_f”) #<—this is your problem?

you have to output your test inputs

6.times do |i|
print "number #{i+1}: "
eval(“p ob.num#{i+1}”)

C:\family\ruby>ruby a1.rb
Enter number 1: 2
Enter number 2: 123
Enter number 3: 56
Enter number 4: 78
Enter number 5: 45
Enter number 6: 9999
number 1: 2.0
number 2: 123.0
number 3: 56.0
number 4: 78.0
number 5: 45.0
number 6: 9999.0

[personal opinion] If you have “eval” in your code, there is possibly
something wrong with the way your program is structured…

I think you are testing ruby syntax. Test syntax one-by-one first. Then
connect each slowly… this is my style though… I am a nuby :wink:

In programming, you always ask, why and why not. The two always go together
:wink: Again, this is just my opinion… as a nuby…

Kind regards,

kind regards,