Ruby-opengl, ruby-glut


I’m trying ruby-opengl on osx. (without x11) and so far, with some
changes I managed to compile it and even run the samples once, but now
it broke again. (strangely)
This probably (surely) is an OSX question, but maybe someone can help
me here

Here’s the error

ruby sample/planet.rb
objc: failed objc_getClass(NSObject) for GLUTApplication->isa->isa
objc: please link appropriate classes in your program
Trace/BPT trap

I’m using ruby 1.8.1 (2003-10-30) [powerpc-darwin] on mac osx version
10.3.2 (panter)



I’ve got Ruby-opengl to work on osX 10.3 (panther). Without X11!
It seems that I forgot to link to the glut framework. (stupid…)

Regards Alwin.

Alwin Blok writes:


I’ve got Ruby-opengl to work on osX 10.3 (panther). Without X11!
It seems that I forgot to link to the glut framework. (stupid…)

How did you manage that? I tried to compile it last week, but gave up

thanks in advance & kind regards


Frank Schmitt
quattro research gmbh phone: +49 89 700763-0
e-mail: schmitt NO at SPAM quattro-research !@! dot com

Frank Schmitt wrote in message news:4cfzeb3ubz.fsf@scxw21.4sc

Alwin Blok writes:


I’ve got Ruby-opengl to work on osX 10.3 (panther). Without X11!
It seems that I forgot to link to the glut framework. (stupid…)

How did you manage that? I tried to compile it last week, but gave up

thanks in advance & kind regards

I wrote up some instructions for doing this here:

I’m pretty sure they are still current but please, PLEASE do modify
them if you’ve got anything new to offer. The one thing i ought to add
to them is that it seems that GLUT.BitmapCharacter(font, char) doesn’t
seem to work - it’s to do with the (void *)font argument. I’ve got
around it by adding my own glut_BitmapCharacterX(char) with the font
value hard-coded in, within the glut.c file, but this isn’t a
show-stopper bug.

anyway - please update those instructions, lets try and collate all
the ruby on osx info if we can :slight_smile:

  • james

The problem is I don’t remember exactly the steps I took, so I can’t
provide a step-by-step guide.
I’ll try to put together a guide from the edited files as soon as

Regards Alwin.


On 20-jan-04, at 17:30, James Adam wrote:

Frank Schmitt wrote in message

Alwin Blok writes:


I’ve got Ruby-opengl to work on osX 10.3 (panther). Without X11!
It seems that I forgot to link to the glut framework. (stupid…)

How did you manage that? I tried to compile it last week, but gave up

thanks in advance & kind regards

I wrote up some instructions for doing this here:

I’m pretty sure they are still current but please, PLEASE do modify
them if you’ve got anything new to offer. The one thing i ought to add
to them is that it seems that GLUT.BitmapCharacter(font, char) doesn’t
seem to work - it’s to do with the (void *)font argument. I’ve got
around it by adding my own glut_BitmapCharacterX(char) with the font
value hard-coded in, within the glut.c file, but this isn’t a
show-stopper bug.

anyway - please update those instructions, lets try and collate all
the ruby on osx info if we can :slight_smile:

  • james


Here are my instructions to get rbogl-0.32c compiled on Mac OSX 10.3
(the attached .rtf file)

It’s a bit different from the instructions listed on but this
is what makes it work on my machine. (I hope I haven’t missed

Regards Alwin.

rbogl_panther.rtf (4.15 KB)