Ruby on AIX

I have a bunch (over 150) of AIX systems running 4.3.3, 5.1 & 5.2. I
would REALLY like to get Ruby up and running on all of them. However, I’m
so busy that I don’t have time to track down a machine with a copy of the
IBM C compiler and, since I’d really like to have it in .bff (aka
"installp") format, I’ve never built and AIX installable package before so
I’m looking for someone with this sort of expertise.

Work is busy, I’m the person to go to on all of the Linux systems and I
only do AIX admin when the other AIX types are busy. This would be a
great opportunity for me to promote Ruby.

– Matt
The American Non-Sequiteur Society: We may not make sense, but we do like