I'm implementing a spec that calls for messages to be deflated, then base64 encoded, then URL encoded, so they can be passed as parameters to an HTTP GET. In PHP, this is achieved with:
$encodedMsg = urlencode( base64_encode( gzdeflate( $msg ) ) )
Looking at the docs, the equivalent in Ruby would be something like:
require "cgi"
require "base64"
require "zlib"
encodedMsg = CGI::escape( Base64.encode64( Zlib::Deflate.deflate( msg ) ) )
But this gives me completely different output to my (working) PHP model.
Some googling later, it appears that Zlib::Deflate.deflate prepends and appends 'stuff' to the deflated data. Investigating, the PHP
$deflated = gzdeflate( "Hello world" );
echo bin2hex( $deflated );
Gives me
While the Ruby
deflated = Zlib::Deflate.deflate( "Hello world" )
myhex = ""
1.upto(deflated.length) { |i| myhex << "%02x" % deflated[i] }
puts myhex
(BTW - if anyone knows a more succinct way to hex encode a string in Ruby, that would be useful)
Notice the additional '9c' at the start of the string and '18ab043d00' at the end. OK - there seems to be a consistent amount of data prepended and appended, so I can slice those off.
But now Base 64 is acting weird. In PHP:
$base64Encoded = base64_encode( $deflated );
echo $base64Encoded;
While, in Ruby
# Remove extra stuff from deflated string
deflated = deflated[1,deflated.length-6]
base64encoded = Base64.encode64( deflated )
puts base64encoded
Completely different! Now, if I feed that back through PHP's base64_unencode, I get
Notice, again '9c' prepended, but this time the trailing '00' has been removed.
What is going on here? Any ideas??? Am I missing something really obvious about string handling in Ruby?
(BTW - this is on ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i486-linux])
Pat Patterson - pat.patterson@sun.com
Federation Architect,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.