I am trying to understand my Ruby Load Path settings. I am on Fedora
Core 5 Linux machine. I load irb and print the load path as follows:
irb(main):001:0> puts $:
=> nil
It was awhile ago, but I believe I rpm installed ruby on my machine. At
that time, I had no idea what load path was all about. Now that I am
learning about it, I am puzzled to what I see when I print the load path
stored in global variable "$:" Why are "site_ruby" entries duplicated?
That is, if we factor out /usr/lib folders, I have site_ruby by itself
and also under ruby? Does that make sense? Everything seems to be
working fine in my hacking trips, but I will be the first one to admit
it is more by luck than deliberate design.
Thanks in advance.
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