[ruby-gnome2] Objects that doesn't destroy?

Hello all.

I think I have a problem with ruby-gtk2 and objects that does not
destroy, like Gtk::TextBuffer or Gtk::ListStore.

Example: Imagine I have this class:


class Texto < Gtk::ScrolledWindow
  def initialize
    @view = Gtk.TextView.new
    @buffer = @view.buffer

This class go inside a Window, and when I destroy window, all widgets
are destroyed. But @buffer points to a Gtk::TextBuffer object, that it
is not widget and it is not destroyed (or so I think after using a
rutine that shows me which objects in ObjectSpace are destroyed or

I have tried destroying @buffer adding next code in initialize:

   @view.signal_connect('destroy') do

But with this code, I get a segment fault ([BUG]) when I try to destroy

My question is: Is it necessary to destroy buffer or is it destroyed
automatically by ruby garbage collection?

I see same behaviour with classes relatives to Gtk::TreeView, like
Gtk::ListStore, Gtk::TreeSelection, etc...

Please, Help!!

Oh... and happy christmas :slight_smile:
