Ruby for the nokia 770 internet tablet

Hi all,

As a proud owner of the nokia 770 ( and a ruby
user I was curious if anyone has started porting ruby to 770's platform
(linux on arm, using maemo).

I would for sure like to try if no one started, but i could use some
guidance in that case :slight_smile:




i plan also to use ruby on nokia770:

Yesterday, i have uploaded the debian package for arm and it is working
out of the box.

The only problem, as it is not a mameo package, you need to extracted
and copied as root (Application Installer refused to load it).


i plan to use ziprequire in order to have less files and use less


Marc Foret

PS: i try to use webrick, it start correctly, but required online
connection, may be dns lookup ?

#extracted using the following commands:
dpkg -x libruby1.8_1.8.4-1_arm.deb /media/mmc1/tmp # extracted on the
memory card
dpkg -x ruby1.8_1.8.4-1_arm.deb /media/mmc1/tmp # extracted on the
memory card
cd /media/mmc1/tmp/usr
# look to the content and copy to usr
tar cf - .|(cd /usr; tar xf - )



Marc Foret

Superb. it's working fine indeed....

i also installed thttpd_2.21b-11.2_arm.deb from and am going to try building a
intranet :slight_smile: cgi based ruby app....

ill keep you informed in this thread,

tanx for pointing me in the right direction, just what i needed..



ok... got the thttpd server up and running :slight_smile:

i installed it on my rs-mmc card (1GIG).
i have resized and put ext3 fs on it and mounted it on /Root as
described in (

so in /Root/opt (where i put all my own stuff, that is not installed
with app-installer-tool) i installed thttpd

/Root/opt/ > dpkg -x thttpd_2.21b-11.2_arm.deb ./

changes i made in /Root/opt/etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf :


then, started it with:
/Root/opt/usr/sbin/thttpd -C /Root/opt/etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf -c

next i setup a test cgi script called test, which calls ruby to puts
'cgi hello world' on your brouwser screen.

vi /Root/opt/var/www/cgi-bin/test (yes, i installed vim too :))

print "content-type: text/html\n\n"
puts "cgi hello world"

start your brouwser on your 770 and goto:
and guess works!!!!

do you smell the endless oppertunities now that this works.....i

just have to make it start on bootup, but that should not be too hard,
since i don that for the ssh server also .... :slight_smile:

have fun.

greeting, mischa

Hi Marc,

I was wondering where you got these packages? Did you build them
w/Maemo yourself or download them from somewhere. Also, how did you
get your root password for your 770? I'm assuming its the same for all
the devices so if you could share your's with me I'd be grateful as
I've been unable to hack/crack it thus far.


Ken Hilton


In fact it is part of the standard Debian

As "arm" is supported by Debian, and Maemo is a Debian distribution.

The package is working asis on the Nokia.

But for GUI application it is another story.

BTW when i have times, i still want to build a stripdown version of
Ruby with Mongrel hhtp server.



D艌a Pondelok 13 Febru谩r 2006 21:03 Kenosis nap铆sal:

I was wondering where you got these packages? Did you build them
w/Maemo yourself or download them from somewhere. Also, how did you
get your root password for your 770? I'm assuming its the same for all
the devices so if you could share your's with me I'd be grateful as
I've been unable to hack/crack it thus far.

As the OS is supposed to be a Debian-based distribution, there is no proper
root account or password. Try using sudo, entering your own password for
administrative tasks?

David Vallner

I was wondering where you got these packages? Did you build them
w/Maemo yourself or download them from somewhere. Also, how did you
get your root password for your 770? I'm assuming its the same for all
the devices so if you could share your's with me I'd be grateful as
I've been unable to hack/crack it thus far.

I dont' think anyone's figured out the root password (if it's even
protected that way), but to gain root, just follow the directions at wiki . Lots of other good
stuff at the maemo wiki, too.

Having no proper root account or password is an Ubuntu-ism (and a Mac OS Xism), not a Debian-ism. I can assure you vanilla Debian does have a root user.


On Feb 14, 2006, at 3:22 PM, David Vallner wrote:

D艌a Pondelok 13 Febru谩r 2006 21:03 Kenosis nap铆sal:

I was wondering where you got these packages? Did you build them
w/Maemo yourself or download them from somewhere. Also, how did you
get your root password for your 770? I'm assuming its the same for all
the devices so if you could share your's with me I'd be grateful as
I've been unable to hack/crack it thus far.

As the OS is supposed to be a Debian-based distribution, there is no proper
root account or password. Try using sudo, entering your own password for
administrative tasks?

David Vallner

D艌a Utorok 14 Febru谩r 2006 21:36 Logan Capaldo nap铆sal:

Having no proper root account or password is an Ubuntu-ism (and a Mac
OS Xism), not a Debian-ism. I can assure you vanilla Debian does have
a root user.

Thought it went along with the use of sudo as opposed to su. Ah well, another
piece of trivia into the box.

Apologies to all horribly disinformed.

David Vallner