I have an application in mind that would include a simple GUI, and perhaps a hook into SMS. Is there any way I could write this in Ruby? I know there's a 'compiler' for ruby to generate native executables, is there one for Palm devices?
I apologize if this has been asked before!
The only information I could find on attempts at Ruby for Palm (on
RubyGarden and generic Google searches) led me to believe that all
attempts were abandoned fairly early on, due to speed and size
requirements. I can't say how recent the information was, though.
I really can't believe that this would stop someone who was dedicated,
though, as even basic Palms nowadays have at least 16 megs of ram and a
200mhz processor. Just about every other common language has been
ported. I'd love to have Ruby available.
* On Oct 6 3:23, Brian Le Roy (ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org) wrote:
I have an application in mind that would include a simple GUI, and
perhaps a hook into SMS. Is there any way I could write this in Ruby?
I know there's a 'compiler' for ruby to generate native executables, is
there one for Palm devices?
Have you looked at this:
It is in Japanese, so I cannot tell what it says (like the other cool projects listed there).
If somebody could translate that (babelfish gave me an error 157, whatever that means :-()
For your information, it's not about the attempt to run Ruby on Palm.
It is rather helping Palm users using Ruby, for example creating
Plucker or Doc files using Ruby.
The current implementation of Ruby would not run on Palm, since it
highly depends on POSIX system calls, most of which are not available
on Palm. I'd rather recommend to get a Linux Zaurus instead, if you
want to run Ruby on a small device. Theoretically, it is possible to
run even Ruby on Rails on Zaurus, if you don't mind waiting.
In message "Re: Ruby for Palm OS?" on Thu, 6 Oct 2005 04:14:07 +0900, Shashank Date <shanko_date@yahoo.com> writes: