Ruby FastCGI bindings?

I have not compiled mod_ruby into a server, but personally I
think fastcgi rocks. It has a lot going for it:

  • in a mixed language environment, you can run Ruby fastcgi,
    Perl fastcgi,
    C fastcgi… all under the same webserver without having to add any
    additional modules
  • each CGI application runs as its own process or pool of
    processes, so you
    have better visibility, more control (e.g. you can truss them, set
    different sized pools for each application, kill them individually)

Thanks for your suggestions Brian.

I shall try using “fcgi” (rather than mod_ruby), as the advantages you
have identified are currently more important for my project (than
having extensive access to the internal hooks of the Apache httpd).

Kind Regards,
Colin Coates.