Ruby .exe Maker

Does anybody know of a good way to make Ruby programs into .exe's so people without RUby installed can run them and not edit the code?


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On Mar 4, 2007, at 11:36, Yannick Grams wrote:

Does anybody know of a good way to make Ruby programs into .exe's so people without RUby installed can run them and not edit the code?

Damian Terentyev wrote:


On Mar 4, 2007, at 11:36, Yannick Grams wrote:

Does anybody know of a good way to make Ruby programs into .exe's so people without RUby installed can run them and not edit the code?


...but bear in mind that the code will be available to edit on the client system. There's no (easy) way to compile ruby code such that it can't be edited.
