Luis Lavena wrote in post #998653:
> Can you provide us what is the last sentences before the crash?
I get this pop with the following:
ruby.exe has encountered a problem and needs to be close. We are sorry
for the inconvenience.
I didn't ask the popup information, perhaps wasn't clear but I'm
interested in the output at the console before the crash.
> Normally Ruby will print out the offending line that triggered the
> crash before terminating itself.There is nothing printed in the development log (i.e. there is no stack
trace shown through 'rails server') so where do I go about culprit line?
The console, not the log file.
I am trying to get a simple app to test with carrierwave (File uploads)
and using Mongoid's Grid FS. Submitting the form often crashes it
If you don't mind, please create a sample application, outside your
existing one that present this behavior and upload it to github, that
will be more easy than copy and paste your entire source code from
here and will provide a reproducible environment for us to help you
You can upload the source code to GitHub for free.
On May 15, 6:10 pm, "Glory L." <> wrote:
Luis Lavena