I'm fairly certain this isn't the proper place to suggestion minor
improvements/extensions to the ruby language, but this is something I
constantly find myself wishing was available:
# Extension to ruby class Hash
class Hash
def join(key_value_sep="=>", pair_sep=",")
result = ""
self.each { |k,v| result << k.to_s << key_value_sep << v.to_s <<
pair_sep }
result.chomp pair_sep
I'm sure there's an even cleaner way to do this (and I'd love to see
it!!), but the point is so that I can do something like this:
hash = {}
=> {}
(0..20).each {|i| hash[i] = i+1 }
=> 0..20
hash.join " maps to ", ", "
=> "16 maps to 17, 5 maps to 6, 11 maps to 12, 0 maps to 1, 17 maps to
18, 6 maps to 7, 12 maps to 13, 1 maps to 2, 18 maps to 19, 7 maps to 8,
13 maps to 14, 2 maps to 3, 19 maps to 20, 8 maps to 9, 14 maps to 15, 3
maps to 4, 20 maps to 21, 9 maps to 10, 15 maps to 16, 4 maps to 5, 10
maps to 11"
Is there currently some easy, builtin way to get this sort of output
that I'm simply unaware of??
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.